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Everything posted by Heinz

  1. yes the scenes require a cloud-based connection to run everything locally you would need webhook commands or a script to execute actions based on requirements
  2. Heinz


    has anything changed on the network where the devices are connected to. have you tried to reboot the device
  3. Looks very interesting so with ansible, all scenes and coms are done from Ansible?
  4. this can be done with the use of scenes create a scene pick the device and set a rule when power = over x amount then turn off device A it would look something like this also remember when you set a rule to turn off a device then you need to make a second rule to turn it back on
  5. locally yes the device should work just with out remote control
  6. other wise the only thing i could think of is that it must be the shelly pro device. maybe some bug on the firmware on the device or firmware issue in general.
  7. last thing i could think about it on that network your device is connected to is there a firewall blocking anything ?
  8. Shelly Pro 1 would be your best bet
  9. just a few questions did you restart the Pro device when you updated the device. and then are you using the main connection on wifi or lan ? as your wifi signal is below the required usage
  10. can you send the Logs as well as the device logs as well as device data? Just did a test on the same device with the same firmware wanted to see if there is something here. diagnostics-shelly-pro2pm-debug-log.txtdiagnostics-shelly-pro2pm-data.txt
  11. If you have an intriguing Shelly script and want to showcase your project, this is the place for you. Always interesting to see methods on how to optimize the Home automation with scripting
  12. Done and done one section for Q/A and the other for show your JS project
  13. Im not sure about entering a code to disable a alarm with IoT but I'm sure something in Home Assistant might be possible.
  14. thats very strange i installed the device now and updated it from the FW 1.3.3 and was restarted within seconds. There is a button at the back of the device if you hold it for 10-15 seconds it will factory reset. But good that the device is back online and working
  15. Im not sure of a broadcast channel but to get the status you can use http://<IPaddress>/rpc/shelly.getstatus
  16. The way i worked around it for the time being is I made a scene on a shelly plus plug S when the plug is turned on then it activates a scene. When I turn the plug off the scene turned off. I am still learning on how to activate the scene directly myself but this was a way I did it
  17. are you in the same network or do you want to do it from outside of the network as the shelly ?
  18. What device are you doing this on and what is your end goal
  19. Hi for this you would need to look into some scripting. Do you have a Shelly addon or a Shelly 1 connected to the whirlpool? With scripting you would be able to call the API from your Electricity provider you can then set some rules within the script when the price is below €X/kWh then turn on you can then also add a rule in when the price is above €Z/kWh to turn off. Are you familiar with scripting at all?
  20. some times on the phone you need to force the phone to stay on the network without internet. I have it a few times with my phone.
  21. I understand your goal. To accurately detect the tilt of both windows, you need a separate sensor on each window. Currently, the setup places the magnet and Shelly sensor close together when the window is closed, indicating a closed state. If you open one window with the Shelly component, it shows an open/tilted state. However, if both windows are tilted, the magnet and Shelly sensor realign, causing the sensor to show a closed state again. This setup only indicates when either the left or right window is opened. It won't accurately show both windows in tilt mode. You need a Shelly door/window sensor for each window frame to properly detect if a window is tilted open. The smaller device is the magnet, and the larger component is the Shelly sensor.
  22. @hamoel im asuming you added the shelly plug S into the network via the SSID login to the device directly? Then tried to add the device to the app via the IP address ?
  23. when you go to the device's local web what does it state the battery life state
  24. This seems to be more a topic with in the scripting section. I will move it to JS Scrips
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