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  1. Thanks for the test and the reply! It is now clear that it isn’t a hardware issue with the switch.
  2. Unfortunately, plus and minus in the above sketch are interchanged. Please use this diagram:
  3. A first measure to evaluate the issue would be to set „Swap Inputs“ to „disabled“. No other changes, please! The buttons should be interchanged after this intervention. Does the behaviour of the cover remain the same? Close function NOT possible in 100% open position with the (now interchanged) close button?
  4. It would be brilliant to get a link to the manual of the gate opener!
  5. It does matter, indeed! This is because power measurement in AC systems needs the knowledge of the phase shift between voltage and current. Formula is P = U * I * cos φ, where P is power, I is current and φ the phase shift between current and voltage. If you interchange two phases, the phase shift is misaligned, thus showing erroneous power values.
  6. Why the hall sensor has two outputs (A and B)? Would you please indicate a type or link a specification of the device?
  7. Please double check if the wire at terminal A of the Shelly is connected with the wire at which is current clamp A is installed! The same please for B and C. You may test this with a two-wire voltage checker:
  8. You may set the voltage at the output of the Shelly Dimmer 0/1-10V PM with an „action“. It’s an instance of Light. https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/gen2/Devices/Gen3/ShellyDimmer0110VPMG3
  9. THIS would be the right device, not the Shelly plus 0-10V Dimmer. Please be aware of the existence of two devices with nearly similar names.
  10. Why not use a Shelly Dimmer 0/1-10V PM Gen3? This device has a smooth 0-10V DC output, which makes the PWM to 0-10V convertor obsolete. And no: The Shelly UNI (plus) isn’t capable to emit a PWM signal (at least with a reasonable frequency).
  11. Bei einem Defekt am Mittelspannungsnetz ist eine Sternpunktverschiebung im Niederspannungsbereich sehr unwahrscheinlich, weil ein Transformator beide Netze trennt. Zudem ist das Mittelspannungsnetz in D erdfrei aufgebaut.
  12. The frequency of the PWM is FIXED 500Hz: The nature of a PWM signal is the fixed frequency; the duty factor is altered only:
  13. Die schrägen Striche markieren die Klemmenbezeichnungen des Schalters. Das ist die Kontrolleuchte. Das war früher eine Glimmlampe (das ist das Symbol für Glimmlampe) Es ist alles gezeichnet, was zu zeichnen ist! Und ja, die Kontrolleuchte leuchtet nur, wenn der Verbraucher eingeschaltet ist. Du brauchst einen Freund mit Kenntnissen oder einen Elektriker. Die machen das!
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