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Everything posted by Heinz

  1. in theory, the dimmer seems like the correct choice here but it was not designed for this type of use case, and as @thgoebel said when it's for an inductive load this will kill the device and cause more harm than good. This is use case I would make sure to read the instructions and know what is going on in that fan unit. Adding something afterwords to control the boost factor might harm that device's controller.
  2. Hmm yeah, I can think the WAF might be a critical one in many cases. I would be the wrong person to know the rules and regulations regarding this. in both cases it makes sense. Having all the alarms go off at the same time could be useful. I just get concerned in a false positive situation one goes off and you have 10 or more you would need to deactivate them one at a time. in a large building having everything go off at once could have people think it's a false alarm and then they just turn it off. That's when I like a master alarm to go off in this type of situation. but again that's how I think and I am not an expert in the Laws of fire safety
  3. Welchen Fehler bekommst du ? Kannst du dich über die IP-Adresse auf dem Gerät anmelden? Hast du die Firmware aktualisiert? Wir benötigen weitere Informationen, um dir helfen zu können.
  4. Ich habe mir das mal angeschaut Es wurde eine kleine Änderung am Forum vorgenommen, die für dich interessant sein könnte. Scrolle ganz nach unten und suche das Dropdown-Menü „Sprachen”. , in dem du jetzt Deutsch auswählen kannst. Das ist auch ganz neu und es wird einige Zeit dauern, bis alles perfekt übersetzt ist. Beachte!!! Dies übersetzt nur die Seite und nicht den Inhalt des Forums. Dafür ist weiterhin das Übersetzungs-Plugin erforderlich
  5. Ist das Gerät bereits im selben Netzwerk? Wenn ja, klicke unten rechts auf die Schaltfläche „Gerät hinzufügen“ und suche das Gerät mit der Option „Netzwerk scannen“. Füge die IP-Adresse des Geräts hinzu und du solltest es in die Shelly-App hinzufügen können.
  6. Are the correct ports opened to allow the connection you can test this with windows power shelly "tnc <IP ADDRESS> -p "port number" will look like this tnc shelly.com -p 443 this will show if the ports are open or not
  7. Heinz


    Find the device IP address click on the IP then you will log into the device go to "Diagnostics" as seen below Click on the "Enable them from here " button Click on the "enable Websocket debug" check box and click save settings Go back to the "Diagnostics page and then download logs Click on the Download Debug log from here you will be able to see everything your device is or is not doing
  8. i have not tried it but when it in action but in a scene you can set the rule when a device detects smoke an alarm will go off this can then also be linked a another speaker like a normal alarm system. The issue I see is when you have a fire and all Shelly smoke go off at the same time you would not be able to isolate the location of a fire. This could do more harm than good. I would rather have a smoke detector setup a global alarm system, than make them all go off at the same time.
  9. That is how i also saw it. Middle then open and then close. I think this needs to be looked at maybe at the motor side and not at the switch side
  10. So yes it is possible as long as there is a DC current within the device then you would be able to use the Shelly Uni or Uni plus for this. The Uni has multiple inputs and outputs. So you should then be able to get a signal when the door bell rang and then to send a signal to open the door. but for the last one yeah that's going to be harder to get done
  11. Versuchst du, dich von der Zendure-Seite aus bei der Shelly-App anzumelden? Welchen Benutzernamen und welches Passwort verwendest du? Dies scheint ein Problem zu sein, bei dem du dich bei einem Konto anmeldest, mit dem das System keine Verbindung herstellen kann.
  12. Im not sure about this one never had this use case with that switch type. @Olsche you have an idea about this use case ?
  13. have you also done a calibration of the Shelly 2pm in roller mode
  14. what command are you using thats giving the 404 error ?
  15. Extra information: When you are on a network with Subnets and you are running multiple switches and Access points. It is good practice to keep the network separated. All Switches and Access points should be on the Managed network layer ( In the above example it's the Default network) to do this allocate the port or Ports to the Default network. Turn off any ports that are not used or make sure they are not on the management-level network. Make sure you do not have any loops in your network or have multiple switches talking to each other without having the Spanning tree protocol enabled. Having a loop in the network can cause multiple issues and disrupt your network. The above information is a best practice for a Unifi network but can also be used within other network devices.
  16. Ok, I think I have a good idea of what is going on. Hmm I have a similar installation but for another use case. I would like to check whether in your setup or Scene setup, they are checking/triggering continuously or just once. I have a temp sensor and fan setup for my home lab when the temp goes above X amount at any time the extraction fans turn on until the temp Y. Then the fans will turn off. Even if the sensor or relay would disconnected for any reason at that time it should trigger the scene as soon as the conditions are met. at most what would be good to see is logs when your device is doing something strange to then see what the issue could be .
  17. DC3.5-12V Mini Relay Remote Control Switch 433MHz Small Contact No Nc Learning Button Wireless Remote https://www.fruugo.de/dc35-12v-mini-relais-fernbedienung-schalter-433mhz-kleiner-kontakt-keine-nc-lerntaste-wireless-remo/p-182324145-389318224?language=de&ac=ProductCasterAPI&utm_source=organic_shopping&utm_medium=organic https://www.amazon.de/-/en/DC-3-7V-Wireless-Interlock-Transmitter/dp/B08D3GXXQ1 by the looks of it the links are the same devices as yours
  18. das wird schwierig, da es sich um zwei getrennte Systeme handelt. verbindet sich die Warema mit einem Netzwerk oder ist der Controller nur bluetooth
  19. i dont quite understand what the situation is here... Is this done with a scene or with a webhook or device action ? Most people when they have a lot of devices and want to control it in a other way they install a Home assistant server. this then runs locally on the network as long as your devices have a network connection to the local server you should not have a issue.
  20. i like it worked for me the music option is awesome
  21. have you created a scene to add the alarm ??
  22. the 1pm is a power measuring device yes but the integration with Zendure might not be 100% so they did not add it as yet
  23. no problem thats what the forums for
  24. Heinz


    can you login to the device and enable the logging once that's done add the logging in here
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