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  1. correct the 2PM is not able to dim lights its a on off relay. To dim lights you will need a Shelly Dimmer or a dimmer type swtich
  2. no you just created a once off rule. I would make a script for this do you want the device to turn on for 15min and then after 45 min it turns off? and then the loop starts again ?
  3. @bollar Can you expand your uniFi network more? What type of APs and or systems? Not sure if you already added this to the post before. From the Unifi ACP, what is shown regarding the wall display?
  4. @Pixel are you talking about the Pro 4PM or the Shelly blu wall switch 4?
  5. a reboot will not change any settings only the hard reset would.
  6. So I got some feedback KNX is supported on the Gen 3 Plug S plug there seems to be a temporary problem but will be updated soon this is why it was disabled. with regards to Power metering. it is supported by Home assistant Apple Home Kit only supports on and off
  7. Will follow up on this @smartrev @FrankB Just tag me in the post, for a faster reply.
  8. thanks for the feed back. @supportadmin who can this feed back be sent to
  9. @WolfS there is extensive documentation on the following link that will provide you with all the information you need https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/gen2/Devices/Gen3/ShellyMini1G3/ here are the API commands to trigger the shelly device Turn on http://[DEVICE_IP]/relay/0?turn=on Turn off http://[DEVICE_IP]/relay/0?turn=off Toggle http://[DEVICE_IP]/relay/0?turn=toggle replace "[DEVICE_IP]" with the IP address here is an example
  10. I would need to check this I still have to set up my own HA server. I could then try it and see. so from what you said you just updated your HA server ?
  11. Thats strange. The settings should never have been disabled with out someone turning it off. Question : maybe could have been a bug. did you update the device that was the blu gateway during that time ?
  12. sure what are you trying to have done. I could create a lot of scenes but would need to know what you are trying to get done and what the end goal is
  13. you can do this from the app using a scene. Below I created a test scene from the app
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