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Everything posted by Heinz

  1. Logs can be obtained from the device locally check this guide on how to get it
  2. Awsome this looks epic. What shelly did you run this on ?
  3. I dont think it can as the AC current alternates and could damage the device. From what i know its only designed to run on DC current
  4. Hier findest du die Data Logs 🙂 Ahhh ok, also die Eingaben wurden nicht hinzugefügt. Schön, dass du das Problem gefunden hast. Nur eine Anmerkung von @EmmPee. Wenn der Shelly 2PM im Rollenmodus ist und die Eingaben umgekehrt sind, hast du im Shelly die Möglichkeit, die Richtung sowohl von der Hardware- als auch von der Softwareseite aus zu ändern. Siehe untenstehendes Bild.
  5. Correct there should be no issue. I know that Huawei emma has intergration with Shelly and might have the same with your system im not sure. But it would not disrupt the electric flow if thats what you worried about
  6. Hi @FlyingTiger Can you send the data logs of your device here? Only thing i can think of is if you did a calibration of the shelly, as well as change the mode from switch to Roller mode?
  7. For the Shelly devices to show online they will need to have cloud enabled. I checked the logs and it shows its disabled "jobs": [], "timezones": [], "geolocation": {}, "hooks": [], "ble": {}, "cloud": { "connected": false }, }, "cloud": { "enable": false, "server": "shelly-82-eu.shelly.cloud:6022/jrpc"
  8. From what i know yes it will be cleared. when its rebooted
  9. Heinz

    Scene et internet

    scenes are cloud based. The shelly device needs to be conneted to the cloud for them to work. actions are device based and dont ned to be connected to the cloud to still work
  10. maybe a picture of what was done in the first place. but the fact its affecting his breaker is a wonder
  11. do you have the debug logs on what the device is doing that makes it go offline? there could be a few things that could cause the devices not to connect to the cloud network.
  12. I added the steps on how to activate the debug settings
  13. Sometimes, you may need to access the logs of your Shelly device. To do this, you must log in to your Shelly device's local web interface. This can be achieved by connecting to the device's local access point when it is in AP mode. Alternatively, if the Shelly device is connected to your network, you can find its IP address, copy it, and paste it into your web browser. When the logs are disabled click on the the "here" button That will direct you to the settings Debug page. Click on the Enable websocket debug check box and click on the Save settings button. Go back to the "Diagnostics" page and you will see the window that was empty before will be filled with text. Note: When you need to upload logs click on the Download Data Button. You will then find two options Download debug log and Download Device Data. Debug log is the data shown in the white window. This shows what the device is currently doing. Device Data is the data of the Device and its settings.
  14. This is strange that your device goes into a factory reset by itself that's not normal. the ds18d20 sensor being 10m long would not cause this to happen. have you enabled the debug mode to see that the device is doing?
  15. I just created a guide to connect your device to the network
  16. Extra: When you added the Shelly Device to your network and into your Shelly App profile the device is offline. Login to the Shelly device and make sure that cloud option is enabled. To do so go to your shelly device> settings> Cloud and click enable. When done click save. You should then see the cloud be a solid Blue color stating that the cloud is enabled.
  17. Setting up a Shelly Device from Scratch to Add to the Shelly App In this guide, you will log into your Shelly device, configure the network details, and add it to the Shelly App. Note that this method applies to all Shelly devices except Bluetooth and Z-Wave devices. We'll be using a PC for this example, but the process is identical when using a phone. In this guide, we'll use a Shelly Plus Plug S. Steps: Install the Shelly Device After installing your Shelly device, it will broadcast an SSID (network name). Some devices may blink or indicate in another way that they are in AP (Access Point) mode. Connect to the Shelly Device Go to your wireless settings on your PC or phone. Look for the SSID broadcasted by your Shelly device. This SSID is typically named after the device model or includes "Shelly." Connect to this network. Below you will see an example of what you need to look for. When you click connect you should then see the below. Note: You are not connected to the device network directly. When doing this with your phone you might be kicked off the network as your phone will always connect to a network with internet. This can be changed if you force your phone to stay connected to the device. Log into the Shelly Device Once connected to the Shelly device’s network, open a web browser. Enter the IP address of the Shelly device, typically, or to access the device’s web interface. Note: When does not work the IP address to the device might be something different. To find out what IP address you have connected to go to the network settings or open your command prompt and type in ipconfig. The below example is what you will see. The Default gateway displayed will be the IP address of the Shelly device. Note: Make sure you are connected to the Shelly device to get the correct IP address. When you enter the IP address of the shelly into your web-browser you should see the below Configure Network Details In the web interface, navigate to the settings or network configuration section. Enter your home Wi-Fi network details (SSID and password) to connect the Shelly device to your home network. Save the settings. The Shelly device will restart and connect to your home Wi-Fi. Note: Click on the Enable button and deselect the "Open network" button. Click on the SSID drop down menu and select your network SSID you want to have your Shelly Device connected to. In this example my SSID is named "Workbench" Important !!!! When you input your password make sure it is correct other wise it will not connect to the network. In Gen1 Shelly devices it will kick you off the network and you will need to reset the device if the network password is incorrect. Click save and then you should see the IP address of the device on your screen Add the Device to the Shelly App Ensure your phone is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the Shelly device. Open the Shelly App and go to the device addition section. Follow the on-screen instructions to add your Shelly device. The app will search for devices on your network. Select your Shelly device from the list and complete the setup process. Step 1 Step 2 Note: In some cases, it will automatically find the device as seen in the above example. If you do not see the device add it via the "Add By IP" option. Add the IP address of the Device when you add it to the network. In this example, it was "" Give the device a name and allocate it to a room if needed. When that is all done the Shelly device will then be associated with your account and will show online. By following these steps, your Shelly device will be successfully added to your network, and the Shelly App, ready for use
  18. as @horkatz mentioned change those settings and please make sure the copper is not exposed and has a flush connection its good practice and safer that was never know what might just go across the cables and any point
  19. the i4 is Only an input control device it is not a relay. The use of the i4 is to send commands to other devices to turn on and off ( or for rollers go up and down. ) If you remove a light switch and put an i4 in its place to turn on and off a light, you will need to put a shelly 1 or 1 pm to turn on and off the light that you removed the switch from.
  20. the bulb should start flashing after you do the above, that shows that the bulb has been reset
  21. awesome glad it worked for you
  22. Maybe look at the device its self. Download the Shelly BLE Debug app this will give you more information on the Bluetooth device.
  23. Well, i would say look at the shelly 1. Its a potentially free device. All triggers can be done over the wifi but when you are looking at the Qubino Wave product this runs on a Z-Wave protocol and will require a Z-Wave hub. This will then run all internally via the hub. if you go wifi only need need to be able to send commands to the shelly when you are in the same network. This can be done over webhooks or API calls to the Device. logging into the Shelly Wifi each time would over time become tedious when you need to do it often but if its one in a while then I guess it should be ok. But if you already looking into the Z-wave products have a look at the Shelly wave 1
  24. question... have you tried connecting to the device AP directly, logging into the device itself, and binding it to the network? when you have logged into the device directly using the device AP, you can log in to the wifi from that method. how far is the wifi Access point from the Shelly dimmer ?
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