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Everything posted by Heinz

  1. nice thats good to know thanks for the update
  2. Currently only Temperature, Humidity, and Consumption widgets are set as standard and cant be changed. Other items that can be changed or added are devices, Groups, Scenes, weather, Radio and VC.
  3. just a small one. But at the end the shelly device would require a Neutral and Live wire to power on the device. good luck to find the cable. also have you looked into the Pro line this might be helpful also if everything is in the diistribution box
  4. I might be repeating what you say but i just want to make sure i understand your use case you want a email or alert from device X when a device hits a certain rule or value ? when device 1 = value X then email value or alert ?
  5. This is tricky. I tried to do it with a script but was running into issues. I think the more simple approach is an i4 with a single push and then a long push to turn on other area
  6. Ich bringe es jetzt in Ordnung. Es sollte in den nächsten paar Minuten verfügbar sein
  7. dont thank me thank the team and @Rolf B. 🙂
  8. Heinz


    Für den Shelly 2PM und den i4 sind drei separate Tastendrücke erforderlich. Button 1 = up > http://<device-ip>/roller/0?go=open button 2 = down > http://<device-ip>/roller/0?go=close button 3 = stop > http://<device-ip>/roller/0?go=stop Alles mit einer Taste zu öffnen, zu schließen und zu stoppen ist meines Wissens nach nicht möglich.
  9. I will look into the picuter upload setting could be a small something i missed
  10. Hi, to confirm are you talking about the forum? The reason it's split into versions is that some versions can do some things and others cannot. However, I am willing to make it easier for new users to the products that might not be as familiar. There are always improvements to the forum that can be made it's just a matter of finding the most simple and user-friendly that everyone is happy with. This is however not always possible. Would a single post about all the products and what they can and cant do or a use case of each product be of more help as a new comer to the Shelly world?
  11. I have noticed a issue and it is being fixed 🙂
  12. Hello everyone, In our ongoing efforts to improve and enhance the forum experience, we’ll be rolling out several new security updates and exciting features. These changes are designed to make the forum more secure, user-friendly, and efficient for everyone. New features added to the forum User group for new Registered users. The "New Member" group is a limted group to what features are enabled. Posting is still enabled. When new member has posted a few posts they will then be promoted to the "Member group" Anti Spam protection. Over hall of Permissions External link protection ( Some well known sites are white listed, some other sites need to be approved by a moderator.) Back end fixes These are but a few changes to make you the user feel safe and welcome in the Shelly Forum, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallo zusammen, in unserem fortwährenden Bestreben, das Forum zu verbessern und zu optimieren, werden wir mehrere neue Sicherheitsupdates und spannende Funktionen einführen. Diese Änderungen sollen das Forum für alle sicherer, benutzerfreundlicher und effizienter machen. Neue Funktionen im Forum Benutzergruppe für neue registrierte Benutzer. Die Gruppe „Neues Mitglied“ ist eine eingeschränkte Gruppe, für die nur bestimmte Funktionen aktiviert sind. Das Posten ist weiterhin möglich. Wenn ein neues Mitglied einige Beiträge gepostet hat, wird es in die „Mitgliedsgruppe“ befördert. Anti-Spam-Schutz. Über die Berechtigungshalle Schutz vor externen Links (Einige bekannte Websites sind auf der Whitelist, andere müssen von einem Moderator genehmigt werden.) Backend-Korrekturen Dies sind nur einige der Änderungen, die dafür sorgen, dass ihr euch als Benutzer im Shelly-Forum sicher und willkommen fühlt. Bei Fragen oder Bedenken könnt ihr euch gerne an uns wenden.
  13. Hi I see that you managed it you can help the others in the forum who might have the same issue but posting how you solved your problem, and how easy it was to solve
  14. this is awsome i will move it to the 3d print section
  15. wurde notiert und dem Team mitgeteilt
  16. Derzeit gibt es keinen Wasserzähler, aber ein Blick auf den Shelly Uni könnte von Interesse sein. Das Bild oben steht in Verbindung mit dem Shelly X Modul, das in ein Gerät anderer Hersteller eingebaut werden kann, um das Gerät mit Shelly Strom zu versorgen
  17. awsome you can send some pictures of your setup if you want would be nice to see what you did
  18. If you going that route this will work. The i4 will send commands to the Shelly 2pm to then turn on and off the light this then needs an action via IP address or you can make a scene to make this work
  19. yes. The plus range are "Gen 2"
  20. Hi @NullMind Have you looked at the Shelly i4 behind each one of those buttons you can add a shelly i4 and then for each light, you can have a shelly 1 or shelly 1 pm The shelly i4 is in simple terms a device that can send commands to any shelly device to turn them on or off. Otherwise, have a look at the wire diagrams https://community.shelly.cloud/gallery/category/34-shelly-wall-switch/ this might give you a better idea on the type of setups you can have. for this type of setup, I would use an Shelly i4 and then have them send commands to the other shelly devices to turn on and off the lights
  21. If you give the diagram to the electrition then he will 100% understand how to install it the only thing I think he would not is include the device into the network
  22. I agree with @thgoebel if you send a picture of what it looks like at the switch by the house we will know more. But out of concern for your safety it is best to ask a friend that knows electricity or contact a electrition
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