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Dimitar last won the day on October 6

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  1. Ok i am surprised, something wrong. Send me your account e-mail in a message to take a look.
  2. If you seen export energy mean that here is 😞 sometimes inverters do that especially if you have 3 unbalanced faces. Usually inverter did't show but ... It's strange anyhow should be investigated.
  3. About PM devices aka Shelly 1PM or Plug S. Currently the device cannot measure negative and positive consumption which mean cannot be used as you expect. For Gen2 devices this is hardware limitation and there is no way to fix that. Shelly PM mini, 1PM Mini, 1PM Gen3 and upcoming PlugS Gen3 use different power measurement chip which can report positive and negative energy with firmware 1.4. They can do the job same as EM/3EM devices especially for balcony solar systems.
  4. If you have Balcony PV as Zendure then you can add it.
  5. Can you give is a log, you can download it from webUI.
  6. About the weather: Can you give is a log, you can download it from webUI.
  7. Can you give is a log, you can download it from webUI.
  8. Thanks, will check it because this should work if you set Paralel mode. Shelly measure continues, same way as your Grid Meter works. Maybe we do something wrong with exported energy. I see that you may use Deye. I may ask you to send me privately your Shelly account email and maybe we will ask to give us shared access temporarily to your Deye solar plant.
  9. New firmware which solving repored bugs with Radio can be downloaded from there: https://repo.shelly.cloud/firmware/SAWD-0A1XX10EU1/beta/SAWD-0A1XX10EU1-2.0.0-beta2.zip
  10. For better understanding will be good to give us schematics of wiring.
  11. You need to wire MiniPM to show negative energy when there is generation from Solar to Your house. If you don't know how I can help. Then you need EM measuring total house consumption. Like that you can have as you want: Home consumption, Generated Energy and Returned energy to the grid.
  12. Yes, number looks pretty same and correctm but I didn't understand your picture. Can you re-make it please.
  13. Maybe take a bit more time to check the weather. is it still missing data or not ?
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