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Everything posted by Heinz

  1. Hi @alverino This was quite a lot of reading 😅. is this for IoT networks only or for networks overall? By the looks of it this looks like a research paper of some sort
  2. Never looked into a multi-user alarm use case. With regards to alarm if you want to get an alert you can share the device to another account. But when it comes to disabling the alarm on multiple accounts this is not available as each account would have to have a alarm setup and deactivate it on each account separately.
  3. you should be able to ping any device on the other network. Have you tried doing this to other devices on that subnet ? The only thing I can think of at the moment is a setting on the VPN or firewall, could be that the VPN is blocking ICMP traffic.
  4. I for one did not test this I could
  5. Heinz

    Pool Access Alarm

    This is an interesting use case. Nothing comes to mind as a concrete solution but I have an idea If I understand you correctly, do you want to have a system that will turn on the alarm when you close a door? How often does this door get open and closed? The thing is what variable will be the controlling point when it's a child or an adult? There would need to be some sort of child lock or device that needs to be deactivated when the door it opened. would need more information here to really narrow down a solution to what could be done.
  6. Heinz

    Closing with Alxa

    I dont think i get what you trying to say here can you add more details on what you are trying to get done.
  7. Wenn du das Gerät zurücksetzt, indem du die Taste auf der Rückseite 10-15 Sekunden lang gedrückt hältst, sollte es in seinen ursprünglichen Zustand zurückgesetzt werden. Es muss dann in das Netzwerk eingelesen werden, damit es in der App angezeigt wird. Siehst du eine Shelly1 Netzwerk SSID? Das ist ein gutes Zeichen dafür, dass das Gerät eingeschaltet ist und hochgefahren wurde.
  8. oh yes I was mistaken thanks for the clarification on the voltage for some reason i was thinking about the RGBWPM and Shelly 1PM at the same time
  9. hmmm this is a hard one. Are you referring to web UI as in the webui of the shelly device or https://control.shelly.cloud/ Webui ?
  10. yes, the Shelly 1pm can run on DC, it just depends what you're switching on and off ? If it's a other circuit then the Shelly 1 will be the better option I linked the knowledge base for more information https://kb.shelly.cloud/knowledge-base/shelly-plus-1pm
  11. Oops. not topic related but i made a mistake but its back to how it was 🙂
  12. you want me to delete the whole topic? I Removed the double post 🙂 mind sharing what information you got so other might get the same information for the future
  13. hmm, the only thing I would try is make sure that the phase cable is truly phase. Do you know how to test the cable for phase ? I would test it one more time to make sure the cables are in the correct order if they are and the device is still doing the same thing. I would maybe login to the device directly via the IP address and update it that way. I would also do a ping test to the device to see how it is reacting that way. It should have a solid ping test if not then the device might have a issue If it still causing issues the only option you have it to open a support ticket and see what they say. You should be able to link this forum post as well
  14. could you send some pic of how it is installed ?
  15. The Shelly Display only has the ability to obtain the IP address via DHCP
  16. is this the i4 DC or AC version?
  17. Heinz

    Shelly EM

    Has your SSID changed or did you get a new router? the easiest method is to factory reset it and then bind it back in. if your SSID changed. There are a few ways to bring it back into your new network. If you still have your old router turn it on with the same password. once that is done go into the Shelly EM and then change the Wifi SSID to the new SSID. If you don't have the Old router with the SSID and password. You could use your phone to make a hotspot. Only thing is to make it the same SSID name and Password as the original Wifi. But the best would be to have the same / old router with the same SSID and password to then change it to the new one.
  18. @tvbshelly from my understanding plus devices = gen 2
  19. If the device is Gen 1 it will only allow either AP mode or Wifi mode. It does not allow both to be active at the same time unlike Gen 2, Gen 3, and Pros have the option to have Wifi and AP mode active at the same time.
  20. The first device certified for the matter was the Shelly Plus Plug S. I don't know of any timeline and when the devices will be certified with Matter its just a matter of time unfortunately
  21. can you provide more on what you doing here. what device? what command you sending and how you sending it?
  22. Check the reed contact to make sure that's not broken and then also look at the device logs. good to know what the device is and is not doing.
  23. What device is this. The Gen 2 and gen 3 devices are able to have AP mode on and Wifi at the same time. Gen 1 does not have that feature When you added the device to the wifi what happens. whats the signal that you are getting on the device. from the post i dont have enough information to find the issue you having can you take screen shots or video of what the device is doing
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