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Shelly Wall Display firmware 2.0

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Oh yeah, what a pain... 
I had the hope to just create a button on the display, give it a name, and it will appear in the iobroker adapter. And on top show the status, so once it's changed somewhere else, the button on the WD also updates. 
Neiter of them seems to work currently 😮 
So I will try with webhooks, controlling the target shelly directly, and hope that there is a way to get feedback from this shelly. 

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On 10/2/2024 at 10:02 PM, schreckus said:

nope not so easy, may @Dimitar Buckoff plan an integration as you mention.

@FPVZaphod you see the same http request error from WD for some messages? 

The Wall Display DOES report button:2xx pushes to Mqtt on '/events/rpc'. It does not currently report virtual components in Shelly.GetStatus and Shelly.GetConfig, which is in err and will be fixed soon, but even after adding them, the ioBroker.Shelly adapter does not recognise them (I checked the source of the adapter). Nevertheless, the touch events of the virtual button can not be broadcast via status, they can only be broadcast via events. As @FPVZaphod mentioned, it is safe to use webhooks.

Which adapter are you using? If it's ioBroker.shelly, it does not support virtual components in WD at all.


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