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Olsche last won the day on September 8

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  1. This are the specs for the gateway i think...
  2. Dud you tried with virtual button and local actions?
  3. It is: https://updates.shelly.cloud/
  4. I assume you are familiar with the API documentation? https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/gen2/ComponentsAndServices/Cover
  5. What do you need exactly? A simple standard request for example: http://IP_2PM/roller/0?go=to_pos&roller_pos=25
  6. Due to the many problems with static ip this feature has been removed for the WallDisplay
  7. Usually it works without snubber. However, if there are problems it can be helpful
  8. Olsche


    Normalerweise müsste der inhaltslose Beitrag kommentarlos gelöscht werden. Woran liegt denn das (dein) Problem?
  9. Workaround ist beim Umstellen von Schalter auf Abdeckung indem du den 2. Kanal wählst und dort auf Abdeckung umstellst
  10. It has been working wonderfully and problem-free for a few weeks in the freezer. Even the battery life doesn't seem to matter
  11. Either directly via the display in the Settings -> General -> About Device -> Check for Updates or via WEB-UI
  12. If you have problems with the Smart Control app, install the BLE Debug app, pair with the BLU device and install the update from here. https://apps.apple.com/de/app/shelly-ble-debug/id6449539118 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cloud.shelly.bledebug&hl=gsw
  13. Not in the App. Check in Web-UI or via Device Settings
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