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Olsche last won the day on May 6

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  1. You're right, it seems to be a bug. I just reported the issue...
  2. @shinui Basically a question: What do you plan to switch or monitor? What do you think a Pro1PM can do better than a simple Plus Plug S, which is connected Plug&Play at this point? 🤔
  3. @Dimitar Because of Zendure and the cooperation with Shelly. Are there already tutorials or experience reports about the interaction with zendure, especially the battery storage and the possibility of zero feed-in. I'm also very interested, but unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to gain experience yet 🙂
  4. Home -> Klick on OUTPUT-Bar above where also the button is -> Input/Output-Settings:
  5. Normally this setting should be the right one for your use case. If you turn off the dimmer in the app, the switch must of course first be turned off and then turned on again
  6. Excerpt from the operating instructions: https://kb.shelly.cloud/__attachments/391315459/Shelly BLU Motion multilingual printed user and safety guide.pdf?inst-v=e71125bd-0549-4bac-8110-6b1e8a4e31e3
  7. Can you please provide us a picture of the wiring, have you tried power cycling? Wasn't there a problem with the previous firmware?
  8. In Web-UI: Settings -> Authentification (Username is "admin")
  9. Please leave a feature request using the device and feature request form below: https://allterco.freshdesk.com/en/support/tickets/new?ticket_form=devices_and_features_proposals_***_(use_this_form_for_proposing_your_ideas_only) The more of these inquiries received, the higher the likelihood that the customer's wishes will be implemented - if it is technically possible.
  10. What is the installation situation (ambient temperature, space to the left and right of the Pro1PM)? what does the output of http:/DeviceIP/rpc/Shelly.GetStatus say?
  11. Simply type the IP address of the Shelly device assigned by the router into the address bar of your browser if you are in the home network. Then the embedded web interface should open and you can make all the settings you want...
  12. If you want to replace the current timer in the electrical board, the Shelly Pro1 is certainly the better choice. There are also options to mount a Shelly Plus 1 or Shelly 1 Mini Gen3 on a top-hat rail with printed adapters. What power consumption does the fan have? Have you also thought about controlling the fan depending on the humidity? Then an H&T Gen3 or BLU H&T as a sensor would certainly also be worth considering.
  13. This is normal behavior for the Shelly's SW inputs. There are 2 options: Either install a coupling relay between the motion detectors and the input or get a motion detector with correct potential-free switching contacts.
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