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Gen2 Devices: FW Update Required / Gen2 Geräte: FW-Update erforderlich ×


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  1. Nein der BLU Wall Switch 4 kann auch "Standalone" ohne Rahmen an die Wand geklebt werden oder zum Beispiel mit den Adapterrahmen/Montagerahmen (mit Montageaufkleber) für Shelly/Legrand/Merten/Gira etc. an die Wand geklebt werden. Die Herstellerspezifischen Rahmen aus den jeweiligen Schalterserien decken den Montagerahmen dann ab...
  2. Dear group, Today we released Gen2 and Gen3 1.4.0-beta3 beta for Shelly Plus, Pro and Gen3 devices, that you can update to via the device's local web. Fixed OTA: fix regression in app compatibility check when receiving new update Sensor Addon: fix failing initialization of analog input peripheral ----------------------------------------------- Liebe Gruppe, heute haben wir Gen2 und Gen3 1.4.0-beta3 beta für Shelly Plus, Pro und Gen3 Geräte veröffentlicht, auf die Sie über das lokale Web-UI des Gerätes aktualisieren können. Behoben OTA: Regression in der App-Kompatibilitätsprüfung beim Empfang eines neuen Updates behoben Sensor Addon: Behebung eines Fehlers bei der Initialisierung der analogen Eingangsperipherie
  3. valid from FW version 2.1.0-beta1 General: Take a screenshot of the current screen: http://IP_WD/screenshot List Methods: http://IP_WD/rpc/Shelly.ListMethods Reboot - soft reboot: http://IP_WD/rpc/Sys.RestartApplication Reboot - full reboot: http://IP_WD/rpc/Shelly.Reboot Media: http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.GetStatus http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.List http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.Reload http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.SetVolume?volume=[0...10] http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.Delete?id=ID_FROM_MEDIA.LIST Media.Radio: http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.Radio.ListFavourites http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.Radio.PlayFavourite?id=ID_FROM_RADIO.LISTFAVOURITES http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.Radio.PlayNextFavourite http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.Radio.PlayPreviousFavourite http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.Radio.Stop Media.MediaPlayer: http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.MediaPlayer.Next http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.MediaPlayer.Play http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.MediaPlayer.Pause http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.MediaPlayer.PlayOrPause http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.MediaPlayer.Play?id=ID_FROM_MEDIA.LIST http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.MediaPlayer.PlayAudioClip?id=ID_FROM_MEDIA.LIST http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.MediaPlayer.Previous http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.MediaPlayer.Stop The IDs can be accessed in the web UI in the MediaLibary or with. http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.List Note: Media Player play command PlayAudioClip / PlayOrPause / Play / Next / Previous and Radio play command PlayPreviousFavourite / Radio.PlayNextFavourite / Radio.PlayFavourite accept a volume parameter (between 0...10) example: http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.MediaPlayer.PlayAudioClip?id=100&volume=6 http://IP_WD/rpc/Media.MediaPlayer.PlayOrPause?volume=5 to be continued.....
  4. The CT transformer is probably installed at a 180° angle. Note the direction marked K-L
  5. Ähnliche Überlegungen hatte der CEO kürzlich in der englischen Facebook-Gruppe vorgestellt: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ShellyIoTCommunitySupport/posts/7500347470064552/ Aber unabhängig davon: hinterlasse doch bitte ein Feature Request im folgenden Formular für Geräte- und Funktionsanfragen: https://allterco.freshdesk.com/de/support/tickets/new?ticket_form=devices_and_features_proposals_***_(use_this_form_for_proposing_your_ideas_only) Je mehr dieser Anfragen eingereicht werden, um so höher ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Kundenwünsche - sofern es technisch möglich ist - auch umgesetzt werden.
  6. The Pro-EM in conjunction with a contactor for switching high loads is probably the better option. You may also be able to use a Pro 1PM. This works much colder under such high continuous loads.
  7. @schreckus & @ETT Do you have an account for the Shelly Smart Control app or the browser version https://control.shelly.cloud to control the other Shelly devices or do you only use the Shelly devices locally or with other home automation systems?
  8. On the back directly on the reset button is the status LED (red), it shines through the slot on the reset button. 10 or better 15 seconds pessing should perform a reset Can you unplug the power and open the case and take some photos of the inside?
  9. I don't think there is a connection with the Gira switch. Is there any blinking or lighting from the status LED? Tried a factory reset using the button on the back?
  10. Activating cloud connectivity or the use of the user account for the Smart Control App / https://control.shelly.cloud is a basic requirement for the wall display to function properly, and every user should be aware of this...
  11. In the meantime, 2.0.0 has been released as stable; it was also possible to add devices, groups, music and weather etc. at any time by swiping from the top down. Is it perhaps possible to create a video when trying to add? You can activate the screensaver in the settings menu and set the period when it should be active.
  12. aah okay 2 several types for light (relais and dimmer)... seems to be App related and not related to Wall Display
  13. @Berthold @Martin_ I can't reproduce it. What is the behavior under https://control.shellycloud?
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