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Dimitar Buckoff

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  1. That last one is how it should work. The others are work in progress.
  2. Hi, and thanks for the report. For the Wall Display to control your Sonos successfully, it must detect it on the network. For this, the Sonos must actively broadcast its presence via UPnP. Please make sure your Beam is updated to the latest firmware. The "Workout Remix failed to load" message means that the Sonos could not load the radio station from the Internet. Please check that the Beam AND the Wall Display have sufficient WiFi coverage. The restart of the Beam helping means that it connected to the WiFi successfully. "No Sonos players online" on the Wall Display means that it didn't discover your Beam on the network. Currently local mp3 files can not be played on an external Sonos (WiP). In the next Wall Display update the Sonos implementation will occupy its own tile and will be removed from the Media Library tile.
  3. Thanks for the info, and yes, it is a known issue. The truth is that the Wall Display DOES have a lost network plan. Nevertheless, the app does not always understand that the network was lost until a timeout occurs. There is a new beta, beta4, coming soon and this is addressed. Hang on just a little bit longer. On a side note, this post is about Home Assistant integration. There are numerous other posts as well as support channels for cases such as yours.
  4. Thanks for the tip. BTW, you don't need to soft reboot the Wall Display when you make modifications to your dashboard. If HA doesn't show "Dashboard changed, REFRESH" popup, you can swipe from the top and a toolbar with a refresh button will appear.
  5. Please check if there's nothing shorting the pins between the power module and the screen. Also, please check if all the 16 pins on the power module are intact. If all is ok, please request a replacement.
  6. The Wall Display DOES report button:2xx pushes to Mqtt on '/events/rpc'. It does not currently report virtual components in Shelly.GetStatus and Shelly.GetConfig, which is in err and will be fixed soon, but even after adding them, the ioBroker.Shelly adapter does not recognise them (I checked the source of the adapter). Nevertheless, the touch events of the virtual button can not be broadcast via status, they can only be broadcast via events. As @FPVZaphod mentioned, it is safe to use webhooks. Which adapter are you using? If it's ioBroker.shelly, it does not support virtual components in WD at all.
  7. Hey friends, 2.3.0-beta3 is now live, with some fixes, the most important of which are: Limit HA integrations on the Wall Display to 2 - there's simply no space for more - neither on the bottom bar, nor in memory; The SONOS integration no longer requires you to enter your username and password - all data is fetched from the players themselves. Any old SONOS API configuration will be forgotten; Removed a slider that would appear on the Wall Display tile in certain thermostat-related conditions - this was unnecessary as well as unusable. Have fun during the weekend, next week HA integration goes live on the stable channel.
  8. You can try Ui.Tap without parameters. Add "x" and "y" parameters (0..719) to emulate a tap at a certain coordinate.
  9. Please contact support for a replacement.
  10. Thank you. This will be fixed in beta3.
  11. No. Both the features you mentioned are core features of the Wall Display which will not be modified.
  12. duckdns is semi-SSL, therefore semi-security, which the Wall Display does not tolerate. Please search for a tutorial to set up a proper certificate.
  13. Did you try again after some time or after a full reboot?
  14. No, https is supported.
  15. Dear friends, We are happy to announce that Home Assistant has finally arrived to the Wall Display screen! Here are the steps to integrate HA on your screen: Update to the latest 2.3.0-beta firmware; Open Settings -> Network and tap on "Home Assistant"; You will be prompted to update your device to get ready for Home Assistant. You will not be able to use Home Assistant on your Wall Display until you update. Tap "Yes" and wait a few minutes - it's a large update and will take some time, but this is done only once; After the update go to Settings -> Network and tap "Home Assistant" again. You will be presented with a list of discovered HA servers; You can edit the address to point to a specific dashboard, enable kiosk mode, etc.; If your server can not be found (different VLAN, etc.), you'll have the option to enter your HA address manually - enter the full HA address there (e.g.; Toggle the instance you want to integrate into your screen; Tap "Save" and the device will perform a soft reboot to set up the pages; As with other Wall Display pages, swipe-from-top will bring out a toolbar where you can refresh the page or go back; Before you ask, no, the bottom bar and swipe left/right gestures are core features and will not be modified. Enjoy and show off with your cool dashboards here. You can take screenshots off your Wall Display screen by opening "http://DEVICE_IP/screenshot" in your browser (e.g. N.B.: It's recommended to log in with a non-admin, local only user, enable kiosk mode, and create a separate lightweight dashboard specifically for your Wall Display. While the large update installs the latest compatible WebView on your device, complicated dashboards will still load slowly and may behave erratically. N.B.2: The security on the Wall Display is pretty tight. Therefore HA instances with fake SSL (self-signed, duckdns, etc.) will not work. Please set up a proper SSL certificate with a locally resolved domain name in order to use HA with https. Thanks to the guys at LetsEncrypt, you can do it absolutely for free. Here's a nice guide: Setting up HTTPS for HA. Here are some screenshots to get you going:
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