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Everything posted by Heinz

  1. Please remember that this is a Alpha version of the software and it will deffinetly have issues. Yes before the patch some devices worked and now after the patch some dont. The devs are working on this and taking all the information from this forum post to have a solution as fast as possible. lets have respect for each other as we all try to give alternative solutions to that might helpful to the issue. lets give the Dev team time to come up with the solution and time to get out of the Alpha version
  2. So i did the test with the webhook its abit with both over temp and under temp for a webhook on a shelly plus 1pm. could you try this test to make sure the device is sending a webhook. easy way i did this to speed things up was have a under temp and over temp. The webhook i used for the Plus 1pm http://<IP address>/rpc/switch.toggle?id=0
  3. in the logs i cant see the device sending anything to the sms.php server. The other settings looks fine going to try test this to see what its doing and what its not. maybe i can find the root cause Im doing a simular test but instead of a php server im doing a standard webhook to turn on a shelly device when its goes below the temp of 10. It should turn on a light
  4. There is a language option at the bottom that you can select between German and English With regard to the topics, the translator feature is attached to the Forum title, posts and/or individual posts to have the whole forum translated I would recommend a translator plugin either google or DeepL.
  5. yup i did a test now and on the flood you can get the logs from the device Download Previous and download current logs to get the status its <ipaddress>/status its good to get the current status of the device as well as the device logs
  6. ahh yes but there is a way let me find it
  7. you talking about changing the config or layout of what is on the walldisplay ?
  8. You should be able to see all logs of the device in the debugger So just that i understand when you set the alarm with shelly there are the Phone notifications ( this is notification from the App not sms) Email ( email of registed account) Alexa ( when added ) and ativity log I would check the log on the shelly to see if its sending anything and then the logs of the server to see if you getting anything. If you want to go more advanced I would do a network sniffing with Wireshark to see what packets are being sent to and from the device and server IP do you have a SMS server these calls are being sent to ?
  9. Im not sure if this is a statement or a question? could you provide more information
  10. this kinda makes sence why i have not seen this issue with my Private account as i have multiple Shelly deviecs acting as a Bluetooth gateway. I will try to the oposite and see if i can only add one Gateway and see if i get the same results
  11. all good thats how we learn
  12. I have the following feed back. Yes it used to work before but there was a some issue that needs further testing and development. This is why two EM/3EM are needed the one installation type. They are looking into the fix to readd the PM that can support two way power monitoring. When this will take place i am not sure. What i was asked is for users to provide details of the type of setup and what devices you are using for your use case. The more information the developers can get and what devices and type of setup is being used the better they can implament a solution.
  13. do you already have an electronic value to open and close the water for the house? if so can you provide the model of that device
  14. As the above from @tvbshelly mentioned only the Pro 3em is able to be selected. More development time is needed to add the PM modules to the list but I don't have that information at this current time
  15. @tvbshelly OK i get it now I dont know much about the PV system and how it works so trying to find out more to see what the error could be.
  16. is this from the shelly side or the PV system side. need to find the source of the error For the config from what system are you trying to display the information
  17. on what app was the update done that caused the issue
  18. when you go into the Device directly how many relays do you see on the device? are the relays not showing in the app or device ?
  19. the extra terminal i could only get this image with regards to support of the TRIAC and ELV dimming I am not sure maybe @Olsche or @thgoebel might know that finer detail
  20. good to know thanks adding the update here helps us all to learn 🙂
  21. It was bound to happen. Soon someone will get doom to run on it. im not sure about the Firmware Open-source development i have not really looked into it my self just no time.
  22. What version of the display are you currently running? But glad you managed
  23. Could you add some logs from the device to see thats happening
  24. Good that you changed the SSID that was so strange for me Did you take a look at the Unify Wi-Fi settings I posted. It was the most stable settings for Unify devices, i have had these settings tested on a large network with over 170 devices. I have some Shelly i4 upgraded to latest firmware i have themm connected to a Fritzbox router. I have not tested them on other network devices. just to make sure are the devices still disconnecting or having bad signal?
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