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Shelly Wall Display firmware 2.0

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Hi folks!

I had to factory reset my Wall Display because "the Shelly Stargate isn't responding," and the device went into a reboot loop, maybe 2-3 times, and then asked if I wanted to do a factory reset, so I did.

After resetting, I updated to the latest firmware, version 2.2.1, and tried to use my display, but it asked me to enter the code into the cloud application. I know this process, I have 8 Wall Displays, so I've done it a couple of times.

But now, the cloud application shows the Wall Display as online and doesn't ask for the code.

So, the Wall Display shows the auth code, but the cloud app doesn't prompt me to enter it.

The app shows that I'm connected to the cloud, I can reboot and change settings from the cloud app, so it is really connected.

But when I try to add a new device to the Wall Display, my devices don't show up, just the Virtual component/Music/Weather menus.

Any ideas?

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  • Shelly
5 minutes ago, schreckus said:

can please someone check if "192.168.x.x/rpc/Cloud.GetStatus" works with 2.2.1? i get a empty responce

You're right rpc/Cloud.GetStatus answers empty, rpc/Cloud.GetConfig for example works

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  • Shelly
2 minutes ago, JustFutsin said:

So what was the quick fix? Mine is still doing the authorization code display... 😩

In order to receive an account link, this code must be entered into the input mask in the app

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Hi guys,

I have a specific problem for which I would like to use Wall display as a thermostat.

I have 10 heating/cooling zones with 4 valves (shelly 1 mini on each) in each zone. 

The system uses 2 valves for heating and 2 for cooling. So when I switch mode, I need to manually change which relays are being used for it, each time. 

Update proposal 1: Can we have something like a heating/cooling profile where when I create thermostat for heating/cooling and select their relays, it saves/remembers which relays are used for each mode? So I dont have to manually select it each time? Since I have 10 thermostat with 4 relays on each this is a bit of a struggle.

Update proposal 2: I added Wall display to HA, and I only see the mode which thermostat currently is in, and to change the mode I need to go physically to the thermostat, it cannot be done through the HA. I asked arround in the HA community, and supposedly problem is on the Shelly side - not exposing all of the components. Can this be fixed?



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I would like to report localisation bug. I have switched the device from English to local language (Czech), yet the weather widget reports days and month in English. Rest seems to be localised.

Is it possible to pass on the preferred language down to the widget itself?

Firmware is 2.2.1 It would also be great if the 1/3 width widget and 2/3 width widget fit the screen aligned. Here I had to move it a bit and disable the touch so kids won't mess the alignment up.





Edited by JendaDH
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On 12.6.2024 at 19:17, Dimitar said:

We will order Sonos speaker tomorrow to integrate them. 


It's working perfectly.

Any plans to include the current song picture? I have no idea if that data is available in Sonos API when playing from Spotify.

Thank you!

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Dear Developers,

At our company, we use the wall displays for break notifications and calling colleagues. We work with many small MP3 files, currently using 49 files in total, with a combined size of 1.6 MB.

After uploading 35-45 files, the wall display freezes (I receive an app error message on the wall display, in a white square), followed by a crash report indicating that the memory has been exhausted.

After this, the device restarts and some time it is a succes, but sometimes it goes into a restart-freeze loop, which can only be resolved by a factory reset.

I also tried using WAV files, and the same issue occurs. It seems that the number of files might be causing the problem.

We are currently using 7 wall displays for this purpose, all running firmware version 2.2.1, and they all behave the same way.

It would also be great if, when deleting the MP3 file with the last ID, the ID itself would be deleted as well. Alternatively, if we could play files by their name instead of by ID, that would solve this issue too.

Thank you, and thanks for the excellent work so far!

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Good morning to all the forum.

Happy owner of the "Shelly Wall Display".

I also have firmware 2.2.1 and the columns are staggered.

For developers, there is the possibility in the next updates to edit the cards / tiles and increase the fonts of the values, make them larger, like the main ones at the top, (temperature, humidity, power).

Since I have to keep track of the values of consumption and photovoltaic production, at a distance of 2 meters, for example from the sofa, it is difficult to read the values.

Thank you and keep it up


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