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Solar Powered Pump


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Need some help. Trying to set up a solar powered pump system to lower the water level in a retention pond.

No WiFi. So need to set up a Shelly device to first only have the pump operate after dusk to insure the batteries have had time to recharge during the day. But need to have a way to block the pump to be turned on if the voltage in the batteries are below a certain voltage. If the voltage is high enough the pump will turn on but then turn off, again when the batter voltage level reaches a certain lower voltage

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Posted (edited)

Time control without WiFi will be not very reliable - the internal clock of a Shelly will show a certain deviation after some days. Moreover, scenes with sunrise or sunset are not available without WiFi.

A possible workaround would use a Shelly UNI plus with an additional light sensor (third party component, e.g. sold by shellyparts), which is connected with a digital input of the UNI plus and a monitoring of the battery voltage with the ADC port of the UNI plus. The required rules could be implemented via a simple script.

Edited by thgoebel
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@Stovalldb Which battery voltages should be measured here?

56 minutes ago, thgoebel said:

A possible workaround would use a Shelly UNI

The only thing to add is that an additional relay is required which switches the pump load when a Plus Uni is used


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Posted (edited)

Thanks, @Olsche! My reply was on a higher lever level - we don’t know much about the pump! And there are other restrictions and preconditions to observe, like power supply voltage and current drain of the pump…

Edited by thgoebel
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