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-Teme- last won the day on May 13

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  1. Virtual Components are supported in gen3 devices, pro em devices are gen2
  2. You need additional 3 way wago connector to split Brown to two Brown to Shelly L Brown to Voron Switch Switch to Shelly SW Shelly O to Brown wago Blue wago to Shelly N Please remember to use power lead connector with fuse as stated in Voron instruction edit: apologies, I thought you wrote plus, but it was pro and therefore instructions above is incorrect
  3. After small modification of @Dimitar provided Tuya/HA control code to directly connect and manage Mitsubishi HVAC what have ESPhome wifi board in serial port (CN105) and Webserver running so device REST API is available Plus PM mini gen3 monitor HVAC power consumption and no also have management UI for HVAC device Virtual components can be done with few RPC calls. Change "shelly_g3_ip" to point shelly devices IP if links to icons are not working, those can be adjusted later from WebUI Create virtual components: http://shelly_g3_ip/rpc/Virtual.Add?type="enum" http://shelly_g3_ip/rpc/Virtual.Add?type="number" http://shelly_g3_ip/rpc/Virtual.Add?type="number" http://shelly_g3_ip/rpc/Virtual.Add?type="group" Set parameters to components: http://shelly_g3_ip/rpc/Enum.SetConfig?id=200&config={"name":"HVAC_State","options":["FAN_ONLY","HEAT","COOL","OFF"],"meta":{"ui":{"view":"dropdown","titles":{"FAN_ONLY":"Fan","HEAT":"Heat","COOL":"Cool","OFF":"Off"},"icon":"https://tmpfiles.nohat.cc/full-m2i8N4A0d3m2G6b1.png","images":{"FAN_ONLY":null,"OFF":null,"HEAT":null,"COOL":null}}},"persisted":true,"default_value":"FAN_ONLY"} http://shelly_g3_ip/rpc/number.SetConfig?id=200&config={"name":"CurrentTemperature","min":16,"max":30,"meta":{"ui":{"view":"label","unit":"°C","step":1,"icon":"https://tmpfiles.nohat.cc/full-m2i8A0m2N4m2m2i8.png"}},"persisted":true,"default_value":22} http://shelly_g3_ip/rpc/number.SetConfig?id=201&config={"name":"TargetTemperature","min":16,"max":28,"meta":{"ui":{"view":"slider","unit":"°C","step":1,"icon":"https://tmpfiles.nohat.cc/nohat-kpng-1559442694.png"}},"persisted":false,"default_value":24} Group components: http://shelly_g3_ip/rpc/Group.SetConfig?id=200&config={"name":"Mitsubishi HVAC","meta":{}} http://shelly_g3_ip/rpc/Group.Set?id=200&value=["enum:200","number:201","number:200"] script to add: // ESPhome devices must have webserver running // to get device domain and entityID use http://device_ip/events const espDeviceUrl = 'http://esphome_device_ip/';// change correct ESPhome device IP const domain = 'climate'; // change correct ESPhome Domain const entityId = 'livingroom_hvac'; // change correct ESPhome ID const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", }; const url = espDeviceUrl + domain + '/' + entityId; function checkStatus() { Shelly.call("http.request", { method: "GET", url: url, headers: headers }, function (response, error_code, error_message) { if (response && response.code === 200 && response.body) { let responseBody = JSON.parse(response.body); if (responseBody.hasOwnProperty('mode')) { let state = responseBody.mode; print("state: " + state); Shelly.call("enum.set", { id: 200, value: state }); } // Print 'current_temperature' and 'temperature' from attributes if (responseBody) { if (responseBody.hasOwnProperty('current_temperature')) { let currenttemp = parseFloat(responseBody.current_temperature); print("current_temperature: " + currenttemp); Shelly.call("number.set", { id: 200, value: currenttemp }); } if (responseBody.hasOwnProperty('target_temperature')) { let targettemp = parseFloat(responseBody.target_temperature); print("temperature: " + targettemp); Shelly.call("number.set", { id: 201, value: targettemp }); } } } else { print("Error Code: " + error_code + " - Message: " + error_message); } }); } // Function to change the HVAC state function setControl(newValue,type) { const controlUrl = url + '/set?'+ type + '='; Shelly.call("http.post", { url: controlUrl + newValue, headers: headers, body: JSON.stringify({ id: domain + '-' + entityId, type: newValue }) }); } Shelly.addStatusHandler(function(event) { if (event.component === "number:201") { let newTemp = Shelly.getComponentStatus("number", 201)["value"]; setControl(newTemp,"target_temperature"); } if (event.component === "enum:200") { let newMode = Shelly.getComponentStatus("enum", 200)["value"]; setControl(newMode,"mode"); } }); Timer.set( /* number of miliseconds */ 5000, /* repeat? */ true, /* callback */ checkStatus );
  4. Are you saying after power loss, device losses it configuration or state is off and that need to enable?
  5. All Devices and circling arrows button, then you can select all
  6. -Teme-

    Shelly pro 3EM

    Found a bug from Shelly Smart Control IOS app when viewing monthly consumption. Scrolling between months doesn’t change visible month name, but in a drop-down it’s changed. When clicking month it changes it RPReplay_Final1681281756.mp4
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