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Walldisplay: webhooks?


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I have just installed my Shelly Walldisplay and I cannot figure out how to execute a webhook action from a "virtual button" on the screen.

As far as I can see the only things that can be trigger are devices, scenes or groups.

Is there a way to trigger an action from the screen ?

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not sure, I understood it correctly. Just want to explain it, what my plan is:
I have some automation defined in home assistant, eg: Open the covers + switch on my AV-receiver. This automation swichted shelly and non-shelly devices. 
And I want to assign this automation to a virtual button on the walldisplay

Another idea is to switch on/off the samsung AC.

Actually I am using a fritzbox switch and when tipping on the switch, a webhook is sent with the POST-method.
I want to do this also with a virtual button on th WD.
Do you know how to realize this?

Thanks for your support. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

In my opinion, you actually only have one chance.
Install an i4 (I still had an i3 lying around) and use one of these switches to trigger a scene or an automation in the Home Assistant.

I have done the same thing, which works smoothly, but now comes the real problem. I installed the Shelly display as a replacement for a wall thermostat and configured it as such with the internal thermostat.

When I now activate a scene with the virtual switch, my button in the Shelly Display switches to active (blue ring) and after a few minutes the room temperature suddenly rises by a few degrees Celsius... In my opinion, this is a disaster! Thinking further ... I could measure the temperature with another Schelly and attach it there ... great, but I'd have to pay another 40 euros for that. I find that rather inappropriate.

I'm currently looking for a better solution, although I'm actually convinced by Shelly.
I hope I was able to help you.

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  • Shelly

A BLU H&T is recommended as an external temperature sensor. An exclusive integration option has been created in the firmware.


-If BLU H&T as ext. Sensor active, the internal sensor is deactivated
-The position for the external sensor can be freely selected; temperature interference (mounting on the outside wall, sunlight) can be avoided here


-BLU H&T is battery-operated, but there are also warnings on the display if the battery is low or the BLU H&T no longer sends signals because it is out of reception range.

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