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PV Setup - configuration and understanding

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Das klappt alles nur mit dem aktuellen Firmewarestand und richtigen Shelly wenn ihr einen Verbrauchszweig und einen Erzeugungszweig in der Anlage bauen könnt! Im klassischen Haushalt mit einem Balkonkraftwerk ist das aber nicht realistisch.

Es gibt nur die Erfassung am Übergabezweig und Erzeugung


Verbrauchszweig und Erzeugung

Übergabezweig fällt weg bei Shelly wie schon mehrfach geschrieben!

Hier werden nur bunte Bilder erzeugt die nicht korrekt sind.

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3 hours ago, thgoebel said:

Unfortunately, not every Shelly of the PM series is capable to report the direction of power flow:

PlugS, plus PlugS: BL0937 (P/f-coding, NO direction indication)

I assume that many people will use a Shelly Plus Plug S for their balcony power plant. It would therefore be very useful if you could specify generation directly in the device configuration and the firmware then outputs the measured power as negative values. The fact that the inverter also consumes a little power in this setup can probably be ignored.

In my opinion, however, it is generally better to measure a balcony power plant with a Shelly PM Mini Gen3. As this does not contain a relay, you cannot accidentally switch off the inverter. The almost 3.5A for an 800W balcony power station should be within the green range in terms of heat development with the Mini, even in continuous daytime operation.

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In some countries "balcony PV plant" must be connected to wall socket with plug.

Any mess with PM Mini G3 needs aditional box without really being necessary. Shelly Plug (any) is just enough practical and don't take excess space.


Please just enable Plug (any) option as appliance type "generated" to reverse measured power and allow to choose devices in config.

The relay and "accidentaly possible shutoff" is not an argument to force other Shelly devices and exclude Plugs.

Listen to users, not only your point of view...

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19 minutes ago, Zaspanc said:

The relay and "accidentaly possible shutoff" is not an argument to force other Shelly devices and exclude Plugs.

This was only meant as a hint on my part. Of course Shelly should also support the Plus Plugs again, definitely.

19 minutes ago, Zaspanc said:

In some countries "balcony PV plant" must be connected to wall socket with plug.

With the PM Mini you can still use the normal socket, and you should. The Mini can often be installed directly behind the socket in the wall mounting box, so you usually don't need anything extra. Of course, this depends on the local installation.

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Ja das sind die Basics und Hausaufgaben die man vorher in Sofia erledigen sollte.

Soweit ich das gesehen habe können die virtuellen Komponenten auch erst wieder in 2-3Wochen integriert werden.

Alternativ könnte man ja sonst die bestehende Hardware anzapfen:


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10 minutes ago, tvbshelly said:

With the PM Mini you can still use the normal socket, and you should. The Mini can often be installed directly behind the socket in the box, so you usually don't need anything extra. Of course, this depends on the local installation.

By the way: A plug-and-play solution with Shelly mini PM is available:


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"Why to do it simple if you can make it complex".

Existing users that already had working this with Plug should go and buy additional new devices? Install them behind wall socket? Look all the time some piece of half meter "fat extension cord"? Come on....

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7 minutes ago, Zaspanc said:

Existing users that already had working this with Plug should go and buy additional new devices?

I'm sorry, but neither I nor thgoebel said that.

We are only describing alternatives here.

Shelly certainly should and will fix the bug that in v0.0.4 Plus Plug (and other PM Shellys) does not work.

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Sorry if I was misunderstood.

Of course we are only talking about alternatives (and I'm glad to see some, like @thgoebel give), but the problem should be solved by Shelly. Additional expenses and hardware for solving something that already worked is not a proper option.

We should use alternatives to reach something what is not yet done "in one piece".

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17 minutes ago, Zaspanc said:

We should use alternatives to reach something what is not yet done "in one piece".

The Plus Plug (switch & measure max 12 A) and the PM Mini (measure 16 A) are quite different devices, which were also designed for different areas of application. I think the Plus Plug is not necessarily the already done in one peace device if you want to measure rather than switch. That's just my humble opinion.

But of course, if you already have such a plug, it makes sense to use it for both - and it can measure, too.

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Im Prinzip brauchen wir lokale Device Profile wie für den Cover Mode:



Bei der Pro3EM für einen "monophase"; "triphase"(so wie sie jetzt rechnet) und "Saldierungsmodus"(wie wir das am Übergabezweig erwarten)



und bei den anderen Geräten

Erfassung ob das Device für einen Verbraucher oder Erzeuger zuständig ist.


Der Energieflussmonitor in der Cloud sollte dann selbstständig erkennen was zu tun ist.

In der Loxone schaut das so aus:



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On 12.6.2024 at 08:25, Dimitar said:

Dear All,

We have created a special PV Energy dashboard for all PV owners, providing relevant information about Generated, Exported, and Home Consumed energy. This feature is currently in the "Alpha stage," which means some numbers may not be accurate. We are looking for your suggestions and reports to improve functionality before releasing it as a stable version.

Supported Features (as of June 12, 2024):

  • Parallel, Back-up, and Balcony PV systems
  • Generated energy from PV
  • Consumed energy from Grid with pricing information
  • Exported energy back to Grid (pricing information not supported)
  • Battery charge information
  • Net metering based on the chosen period (no option to set custom or fixed net metering period)

How to set up your Shelly device for accurate measurement and data:

At least two Shelly devices are required. If you have Shelly EM or 3EM set as single-phase meters, you can use one physical device connected at two different points.

Parallel wiring : 



Parallel wiring means your Inverter and Grid are wired in parallel with the house. In this case, your Inverter adds energy from PV, and whole house consumption does not pass through it.

If you have a single-phase power supply, the minimum hardware requirements are:

Option 1: Shelly EM with 2xCT - one connected to wires coming from the Grid and another connected after the Inverter.

Option 2: Shelly 3EM with 2xCT set in Single phase mode - one connected to wires coming from the Grid and another connected after the Inverter. You can use the 3rd wire.

If you have a three-phase power supply, you need 2x Shelly 3EM, one connected before and after the grid supply and another after the inverter. Ensure that A/B/C phases on both 3EMs are connected to the same phases.

Application settings: The Channel/CT connected to Grid wires MUST be set as "Grid source" and the other one MUST be set as "Generated Energy" as Appliance type in Shelly Smart Control Application.


  • House consumption = Grid + Generated
  • If House consumption < 0, then = Battery Charge
  • If Grid is negative = Exported energy


Back-up/UPS wiring



Back-up wiring means your Inverter passes through all energy supplied from the Grid to the House. Hardware requirements are the same as in Parallel wiring, but calculations differ.


  • Actual generated energy = Generated(Which measure Total House actually) - Grid
  • If House consumption < 0, then = Battery Charge
  • If Grid is negative = Exported energy

Balcony PV


Balcony PV wiring means your PV system is connected to your house through any power socket. This PV system adds energy but doesn't know how much your home consumes and cannot balance itself. Balcony PV is supported only as a single-phase power supply.

Hardware options:

  1. Shelly EM with 1xCT connected after your Grid, this device must be set as Grid source as Appliance type.
  2. Any Shelly PM or Shelly PlugS or Shelly EM with 1xCT connected to your Balcony PV system. It's important that this Shelly device reports Negative energy when the PV system supplies your home with energy! This device must be set as "Generated energy" appliance type.


  • House consumption = Grid + Generated
  • If House consumption < 0, then = Battery Charge
  • If Grid is negative = Exported energy

PV System Dashboard:

Based on your setup, we have created a new "Alpha" dashboard where you can monitor historical information of house consumption and your PV system.


image.thumb.png.01733b152167d2c1b0b5e54536a572b5.png  image.thumb.png.197ba19ad911a1a46286243a0de82f63.png

Enjoy and let us know how we can improve!

Very nice all ok.

I would like to ask Shelly to make available the PV SET-UP on the Control Panel it will be perfect


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1 hour ago, DanielPT said:

I would like to ask Shelly to make available the PV SET-UP on the Control Panel it will be perfect

The settings button is already at the top right (v.0.0.4) - Or do you want something different?


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Please remember that this is a Alpha version of the software and it will deffinetly have issues. Yes before the patch some devices worked and now after the patch some dont. The devs are working on this and taking all the information from this forum post to have a solution as fast as possible. 

lets have respect for each other as we all try to give alternative solutions to that might helpful to the issue. 

lets give the Dev team time to come up with the solution and time to get out of the Alpha version 


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Das Problem ist dass ihr mit der Alpha Cloud/App versucht Daten zu korrigieren die lokal falsch erzeugt worden sind!

Die falsche Saldierung mit der 3EM ist seit Juli 2020 bekannt:



Ein Vorzeichenproblem für einzelne Geräte die nur die Erzeugung erfassen sollte wirklich kein Problem sein.

Es ist auch nicht wichtig ob es eine klassische PV Anlage oder Balkon Anlage ist sondern es ist nur relevant wo sich die Zähler in der Anlage und damit im Energieflussmonitor befinden!

Das sind die klassischen Basics bei der Errichtung einer PV Anlage.


@Heinz wenn wir hier von Problemen berichten dann erwarten wir uns auch einen respektvollen Umgang und eine Reaktion. Einfach zu schweigen und ignorieren halte ich für keine gute Idee!

1.Punkt lokal richtige Daten erzeugen

2.Punkt Energieflussmonitor bestimmen

3.Punkt Speicher 








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I understand your concerns, and I apologize if my previous message came across as disrespectful. My role is to gather feedback on how users are interacting with the product and the issues they encounter, as requested by the development team. The team is aware of the problems and is actively working on solutions based on the feedback collected here.

While I can't personally resolve the issues, I'm here to assist as much as possible and facilitate discussions among users who are sharing alternative methods and workarounds with the current version.

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4 minutes ago, Heinz said:

The team is aware of the problems and is actively working on solutions based on the feedback collected here.

To be honest, however, I wonder how the dev team manages to understand and implement this without any further questioning.

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@Heinz kein Problem und keiner ist dir irgendwie böse 🙂

Ihr müsst nur schön langsam programmieren was wir tatsächlich brauchen und einsetzen können!

Die App Entwicklung könnt ihr euch momentan sparen da ihr erst mal die lokalen Daten richtig erzeugen müsst.

Ohne Firmware wir das nix!


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  • Shelly

Thank you for the feedback guys, you’re amazing!

For anyone that’s having questions about being able to select PM devices in your setups:

We had to re-work completely the setup process and the way it looks (you saw the new graphics). In the process we had some issues with including the PM devices to the new setup. We’re working with priority to deliver an update with resolution as soon as possible. 

Thank you once again, we’re following the thread and trying to fulfill every request.

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Guten Tag, bis vor Kurzem hat der PV-Set (Alpha) einwandfrei funktioniert.

Darstellung ist sehr gut und ich war rundum begeistert. Habe kräftig die Werbetrommel geschlagen.

Doch jetzt scheitert die PV Konfiguration. Das System findet mein PM Mini nicht.

Obwohl es negative Werte als Erzeugte Energie liefert.

Und das Pro 3EM den Überschuss auch als negative  Wert anzeigt.

Wer kann mir helfen?

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