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PV Setup - configuration and understanding

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I have the same Problem, under Option search no Shelly Found only Shelly EM.

I would like to set generated energy from Shelly plug S set as Source /generated energy.


The calculation is as follows:


(Grid source + Generated energy) - Exported energy = Total house consumption


Edited by franmaln
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1 hour ago, franmaln said:

I have the same Problem, under Option search no Shelly Found only Shelly EM.

I would like to set generated energy from Shelly plug S set as Source /generated energy.


The calculation is as follows:


(Grid source + Generated energy) - Exported energy = Total house consumption



i have the same problem. I have Shelly 1pm as generated energy and I connect use it for the configuration

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18 hours ago, franmaln said:

I have the same Problem, under Option search no Shelly Found only Shelly EM.

I would like to set generated energy from Shelly plug S set as Source /generated energy.


The calculation is as follows:


(Grid source + Generated energy) - Exported energy = Total house consumption


is this from the shelly side or the PV system side. need to find the source of the error 



14 hours ago, Wernershelly said:

@Shelly Team, wich config should we Change to have the Status 3 dsys ago? I have installed 3EM, for Generated 1 pm plus, plugs S  and Plus plug S. 

For the config from what system are you trying to display the information 

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1 hour ago, Heinz said:

Ist dies auf der Seite des Regals oder auf der Seite der PV-Anlage der Fall? Die Fehlerquelle muss gefunden werden.


Für die Konfiguration von welchem System versuchen Sie, die Informationen anzuzeigen


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@Heinz I understand the problem as follows:

Since “PV Set-Up Alpha” v.0.0.4 it is no longer possible to select Shelly PM Mini Gen3 or any other Shelly PM / Shelly mini PM (PRO 3EM is working in my case with "Type of PV: Parallel" setup):



If you cannot add any devices here, the dashboard will of course no longer work.

Edited by tvbshelly
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4 hours ago, tvbshelly said:

@Heinz I understand the problem as follows:

Since “PV Set-Up Alpha” v.0.0.4 it is no longer possible to select Shelly PM Mini Gen3 or any other Shelly PM / Shelly mini PM (PRO 3EM is working in my case with "Type of PV: Parallel" setup):



If you cannot add any devices here, the dashboard will of course no longer work.

As the above from @tvbshelly mentioned only the Pro 3em is able to be selected. More development time is needed to add the PM modules to the list but I don't have that information at this current time 

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2 hours ago, Heinz said:

As the above from @tvbshelly mentioned only the Pro 3em is able to be selected. More development time is needed to add the PM modules to the list but I don't have that information at this current time 

before the update v.0.0.4 Shelly PM Mini was working fine....

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21 hours ago, Heinz said:

As the above from @tvbshelly mentioned only the Pro 3em is able to be selected. More development time is needed to add the PM modules to the list but I don't have that information at this current time 

« Shelly plug s » in generated was visible in previous version. And not anymore. 

And as you asked, just the iPhone app, latest update. All Shelly devices are up to date. 3em pro avec several plug s. 

so the problem is as follow: from the begin of July, I was having all the plug s visible in generated energy. From 0.0.4 none is visible anymore. 

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I have the following feed back. 

Yes it used to work before but there was a some issue that needs further testing and development. This is why two EM/3EM are needed the one installation type. 

They are looking into the fix to readd the PM that can support two way power monitoring. When this will take place i am not sure. 

What i was asked is for users to provide details of the type of setup and what devices you are using for your use case. The more information the developers can get and what devices and type of setup is being used the better they can implament a solution. 


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41 minutes ago, Heinz said:

Ho il seguente feedback.

Sì, prima funzionava, ma c'era un problema che richiedeva ulteriori test e sviluppi. Per questo motivo sono necessari due EM/3EM per un tipo di installazione.

Stanno studiando una soluzione per riadattare il PM in modo che possa supportare il monitoraggio bidirezionale dell'alimentazione. Non so quando ciò avverrà.

Quello che mi è stato chiesto è che gli utenti forniscano dettagli sul tipo di installazione e sui dispositivi utilizzati per il proprio caso d'uso. Più informazioni possono ottenere gli sviluppatori e quali dispositivi e tipi di configurazione vengono utilizzati, meglio possono implementare una soluzione.

I use a Shelly Mini PM Gen3 for the energy generated by the balcony PV and a Shelly EM for the energy taken from the grid. Before the update the "balconyPV" counts were perfect


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1 hour ago, Heinz said:


What i was asked is for users to provide details of the type of setup and what devices you are using for your use case. The more information the developers can get and what devices and type of setup is being used the better they can implament a solution. 

Ich verwende ein Shelly Pro 3 EM, um die drei Phasen des Wohnungsnetzes zu überwachen.

Auf Phase C wird bei mir vom Balkonkraftwerk über eine separate Steckdose eingespeist.

Die Menge Strom, die in die Phase C über die separate Steckdose eingespeist wird, die messe ich mit einem Shelly Mini...

Mit der vorhergehenden Version 0.0.3 konnte ich wunderbar überwachen/anzeigen lassen, wie viel Strom insgesamt in der Wohnung verbraucht wird (Netz + Solarstrom), und wie viel davon vom Balkonkraftwerk eingespeist wird (weil dieser Strom - mit negativem Vorzeichen - vom Shelly Mini exakt erfasst wird).

Das hatte mir viel Arbeit zur Auswertung erspart.

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16 minutes ago, frankymusik said:

Mit der vorhergehenden Version 0.0.3 konnte ich wunderbar überwachen/anzeigen lassen, wie viel Strom insgesamt in der Wohnung verbraucht wird (Netz + Solarstrom), und wie viel davon vom Balkonkraftwerk eingespeist wird (weil dieser Strom - mit negativem Vorzeichen - vom Shelly Mini exakt erfasst wird).

Das hatte mir viel Arbeit zur Auswertung erspart.

Als Workaround - ganz ohne das PV Dashboard - kannst du den PRO 3EM und den Shelly Mini in einen eigenen Raum legen, den du z.B. "Haus" nennst. Der Mini zeigt dir weiterhin die erzeugte Menge PV Erzeugung, der Raum Haus dann den Hausverbrauch. Beides sowohl als Momentanverbrauch , sprich Leistung, auf der Raumkachel:


- und alles auch in der Historie (Energie):


Die Differenz jeweils ist immer korrekt der Hausverbrauch.

Lediglich die (absolute) Einspeisung ins Netz wird durch die Saldierenthematik "beeinträchtigt".

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Hi, I have a question...

I have 4 Shelly PM Mini which meter the production behind different micro inverter. 

On Grid side I have Shelly 3PM. 

Do you know why it's not possible to select the PM Minis in the Seyup assistant? 

In prior Version they used the type configured for each device.

Was that intended? 

Screenshot_20240823_172338_Shelly Smart Control.jpg

Screenshot_20240823_172437_Shelly Smart Control.jpg

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Good morning

I have a solar installation but without a battery but with a solar router to send the excess solar production into a hot water tank if the house does not consume all the solar production.
To measure the powers I have a Shelly EM for the grid and the PV and for the hot water tank I have a Shelly 1 PM.
Would it be possible to create a new scenario with the calculation:
If House consumption < 0, then = Battery Charge

  • House consumption = Grid + PV - Hot Water 
  • If Grid is negative = Exported energy


Kind regards C.BARRES

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Dear Team,

great job.  I am dissapointed as my measurement of PV generated power does not work anymore and therefore you leave a lot of shelly fans behind as many shelly devices cannot measure negative values. Please re-think your strategy here.


Kind Regards, Mark


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Das Problem ist dass jeder WR der nicht produziert trotzdem Energie vom Netz zieht und von daher macht ein 2 Richtungsmessung für die Genauigkeit Sinn.

Aus meiner Sicht wäre es einfacher bereits im lokalen Setting die Plug als Erzeuger zu definieren. Somit kommt die produzierte Leistung überall negativ an. Den Bezug muss man so und anders bei einer Plug vernachlässigen.

Wie man sieht klappen die Versuche nicht alles per Cloud zu lösen.

1. Schritt ist und bleibt die Einführung der Saldierung in der Firmeware der Pro3EM! Irgendwas zu Programmieren hat absolut keinen Sinn!


Edited by AlexAn
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