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NOTICE / HINWEIS: iOS 18 Update and Today Widgets ×

Major Firmware update coming?


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thanks for your question. My specific use case/context is that i would like to use the H&T gen3 to measure the temperature in each room to control the valves of my floor heating.

what i would improve:

1.) maybe keep it alive permanently when connected to power (or make it an option in the settings) to allow for a better experience while changing settings.

2.) allow for a temperature threshold of 0,1 degrees iso 0,5 degrees (at the cost of battery life). 

3.) fixing the inability to set the proper time zone (see other post). and allow for an option to switch on/off if the time is displayed on the device

4.) maybe introduce a setting to report the temperature at fixed intervals of 0.5 degrees like ...18...18,5...19...19,5....20...etc. instead of waiting until a relative temperature change of e.g. 0,5 degrees has occurred.


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