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Blu Motion triggered by itself turning off the lights


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I recently switched from the 'old' Shelly Motion 2's to the new Blu Motion devices.

This started a new issue I have not had before.

I use home assistant to handle start and end motion triggers. When entering the room, me BLU motion devices sees movement and triggers the automation to turn the lights on. Great.

After the timeout, the end motion trigger fires, my automation turns off the lights, but this change in light triggers the motion sensor, so the lights go back on. This merry circle continues forever...

What am I doing wrong???

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  • 2 months later...

Did you ever figure out what was going on? 

I appear to have the same issue on at least 2 out of 4 Shelly BLU motion detectors. 

And in my case it does not appear to be limited to Home Assistant. I can see in the Shelly App that Motion get's retriggered.

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can you provide more information about this the type of light the settings of your Scene. I have a Blu Motion around the house and i set a delay on the first trigger. I did this so that i dont double trigger the sensor. 


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Sorry for the late reply - been out.

I'm not sure I completely understand your question.

I do all control in Home Assistant so motion from Shelly trigger an automation in HA that turns on the light.

HA provides logs for the motion sensor and clearly shows that 1 second after a motion sensor clears it re-trigger automatically. I can go on like this for 3,4 or more times before it stays cleared.

I don't know what you mean by a delay on first trigger. Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of  motion triggered light control ?

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