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NOTICE / HINWEIS: iOS 18 Update and Today Widgets ×

Pair with Plus Plug?


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So, I bought a ShellyBlu button1 on a whim and didn't research enough. I was planning to use it with a Shelly Plus Plug S, as I read it needed a Plus device to act as a Bluetooth gateway. Now it seems that it wasn't enough, and that you need a wired device to be the gateway. Or am I misunderstanding something? The app says "missing Bluetooth gateway" although Bluetooth is turned on on the plug and within distance. 

I have a couple old shelly1 installed in locations that could have good reach for where I'm planning to use the remote. Can I replace those with Shelly Plus 1 Mini to make it work? Or maybe they are also not enough? Can't find other documentation than a Plus device is needed. 

My use case is I want to unlock a garage door, a non-shelly device, with the help of Home Assistant.

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