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General information for Shelly Plus 2PM


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Shelly Plus 2PM



Shelly Plus 2PM is a one-phase, two-channel smart relay supporting up to 10A per channel and 16A total current (18A peak). It is equipped with two power meters for each channel and an overpower protection function to limit your energy consumption. Cover (roller) control allows for the control and monitoring of roller shutters, blinds, curtains, gates, or other bi-directional AC motors.

It can be retrofitted into standard electrical wall boxes, behind power sockets, light switches, or other places with limited space.

Shelly Plus 2PM has an embedded Web Interface which can be used to monitor and control the device and adjust its settings.

  • 2 channels on the same phase
  • Power metering on each channel
  • Cover (roller) control- automate and adjust the position of roller shutters, blinds, gates, curtains, awnings, sliding doors, and other bi-directional motors
  • Scripting, schedules, and webhooks
  • Designed to fit in most standard electrical boxes and switches
  • Easy control through the Shelly app, various protocols, and platforms, as well as voice assistants

Main Application 

  • Residential 
  • MDU (Multi-Dwelling Units - Apartments, condominiums, Hotels, etc. )
  • Light commercial ( small office building, small retail/restaurant/gas station, etc. ) 
  • Government/Municipal 
  • University/college. 

For more information see below 
Home Page    Specifications     Buy Shelly Plus 2PM

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