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PV Setup - configuration and understanding

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Hello, I have the Pro EM 50 and a Plug S on the PV system. As long as the house's internal network is fed into, it shows 0 watts and that power is being drawn from the battery (red). Only when the electricity produced is above the energy needs of the house and is exported does the PV display show green and output values. The whole thing is set to Balcony PV.

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Hi. I have a three-phase configuration with 2 x 3EM. One at the inverter output and one downstream from the grid. Positive value for power consumption from the grid and negative for power export. For the inverter, positive value for power production. I have configured the PV setup as parallel. In the "PV setup" visualization, it seems to me that the overall house consumption is correct, but the value of energy imported from the grid is higher than what is actually measured by the inverter meter (solaredge which is correct), and the exported energy value is higher than the actual amount. However, when I look at the 3EM device visualization in "NET Metering" mode, the value of the energy actually imported seems correct and quite matches the readings from the PV meter (Solaredge). It seems to me that it doesn't offset the export with the consumption from the grid like it does in the "NET metering" visualization of the device. Why is this happening? I hope I explained myself clearly. Thanks. 



Edited by Luca S.
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On 13.9.2024 at 16:19, wehuda said:

... ja leider auch in v..05 funktionieren alle PM mini nicht mehr!

Sehr schade,  zumal in v..03 noch alles hervorragend lief.

Bleibt zu hoffen, dass v..06 dieses Manko beseitigt.

Liebe Entwickler gebt ALLES ihr schafft das.



Ich hab das selbe. Das PM1 wird gelistet aber die minis leider (noch) nicht. Hope for the next Release.

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Thanks very useful addition


my suggestion would be a year over year comparison graph.

for example show me march and april of 23 and 24 so I can understand how usage and or production evolved. This would greatly help in understanding if I use less (eg improved insulation) and or can generate more (eg effect of extra solar panels).


more complex one show the battery state (or so) … show something to see when solar production is not fully used. E.g. if the battery sits at 100% you know you could have used more solar. How much more is (of course) very difficult

many thanks, keep up the good work

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