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PV Setup - configuration and understanding

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19 hours ago, Vazymolo said:

I understand the devs are working on the PM devices integration.
But in the meantime can't we rollback to the .3 version to keep everyone happy ?

Like you would do when you release a new version and something is not working as expected. I'm trying to be patient, but I'm getting frustrated as well...



that is the thing to do !

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Hi Andreas here,

what about another column besides Balcony, Parallel ,Backup

I would need something for Hybrid inverters were power goes always via inverter back to House

Its not seperate for inverter and housload

So during daytime it will decrease output before inverter gradually to Zero......

Is that possible ???




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Very nice feature! Altough I notice a couple of issues:

-detailed discription of parallel, backup, balcony is not available in the app (or not even a link).

-difference between "paralle and "balcony" is not clear to me, from the visualisation in the app it first seemed that "Parallel" was the correct one for me, but since today the values in the visualisation don’t make sence anymore. Now "balcony" makes sence. My setup is simple, my solar inverter generates 230V that is connect to one of the breakers in the switchboard that is supplied by the grid. Both explanations of "parralel" and "balcony" seem to describe my situation, because the solar power is parallel to the grid but also it is connected to a socket (directly to a breaker in the switchboard in my case but that is physically the same).

Set to "parralel" (not correct):


Set to "balcony" (correct):


-In "balcony" it is showing a red battery/inverter component,but I don't have a battery. However my inverter consumes 4W (shown positive) when there is no solar production, maybe the system regards this as charging a battery?

-I'd like to make the "PV set up" my primary tab (and not "Real-time").

-in the triangle visualisation, the "pie-chart" colored circle around grid, house, panels don't seem to be correctly displayed:IMG_9912.thumb.jpeg.95cdef56cb82793386c7750ed13250ed.jpeg



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It would be nice to see "self-usage" (home usage -grid supply)/home-usage.

This indicates how well you are matching your solar production to the house consumption by doing laundry when the sun is out etc. This would be nice as an instantaneous value (however that is not very representative because it fluctuates a lot) and especially as quarter-hourly, hourly, daily, monthly, yearly averages. Quarter-hourly because invoicing in Belgium is by quarter hour. For the "self-usage" it's maybe not so important to have it quarter-hourly, but for kWh it is!

Edited by Menno
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ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut, als diese Funktion für Balkon PV eingeführt wurde. Leider funktioniert es seit .4 nicht mehr, PM Geräte als SolarQuelle zu definieren. Für die kleinen PV Anlagen werden ja nur selten die EM Geräte benutzt. Ein baldiges update wäre sehr schön, oder die möglichkeit auf .3 zurück zuschalten.


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2 hours ago, Menno said:


Hi Menno,

With which device are you measuring the PV generation, as it obviously is running for you with the alpha

Is this graphic added then to the functionality?

I just know this from Home Assistant, there I got it running. But I don't want to have a raspberry running 24/7 just for this. So I hope that the Shelly team is able to name a release date for the next version or just roll it back for lots of users facing troubles with the current version.

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3 hours ago, Menno said:


It would be nice to see "self-usage" (home usage -grid supply)/home-usage.

This indicates how well you are matching your solar production to the house consumption by doing laundry when the sun is out etc. This would be nice as an instantaneous value (however that is not very representative because it fluctuates a lot) and especially as quarter-hourly, hourly, daily, monthly, yearly averages. Quarter-hourly because invoicing in Belgium is by quarter hour. For the "self-usage" it's maybe not so important to have it quarter-hourly, but for kWh it is!

I Agree

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2 hours ago, DKR said:

Hi Menno,

With which device are you measuring the PV generation, as it obviously is running for you with the alpha

Is this graphic added then to the functionality?

I just know this from Home Assistant, there I got it running. But I don't want to have a raspberry running 24/7 just for this. So I hope that the Shelly team is able to name a release date for the next version or just roll it back for lots of users facing troubles with the current version.

I have a Pro 3EM. The graphic is available in the Shelly app…v.0.0.4

no need for HA. I do have HA btw but for other purposes.



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Why aren't any other power metering devices available? In my case, for the PV I use a "Shelly PM mini".
And apparently, in my case, I can't configure this functionality, for that reason...

I will appreciate your clarification and help.


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32 minutes ago, António Pereira said:


Why aren't any other power metering devices available? In my case, for the PV I use a "Shelly PM mini".
And apparently, in my case, I can't configure this functionality, for that reason...

I will appreciate your clarification and help.


Thanks, i have the same Problem. 

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On 9/9/2024 at 1:09 PM, António Pereira said:


Why aren't any other power metering devices available? In my case, for the PV I use a "Shelly PM mini".
And apparently, in my case, I can't configure this functionality, for that reason...

I will appreciate your clarification and help.


Shelly pm mini monitors the power of it’s own output only. For this functionality you need to measure both the power coming from your inverter of your solar installation as well as the total grid power. This can only be measured with current transformers of a shelly (pro) (3)EM.

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Version 0.0.5 is online. The Shelly PM Mini Gen. 3 is still not selectable as generated energy device. All my Plug S could be used but they are used for tracking consumption of some devices in my house and not for my solar. The mini shows production as negative value and is categorized as production device.

Edited by MucTux
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20 minutes ago, MucTux said:

The question is why it should be excluded? The Gen. 3 PM Mini does track positive and negative power values.

cant answer your question. maybe developers if they aren't too busy  solving nothing ...

as I said time to move on from Shelly 

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1 minute ago, Jrodrigues said:

cant answer your question. maybe developers if they aren't too busy  solving nothing ...

as I said time to move on from Shelly 

Ok. I misunderstood you. We will see the result in the next version and I hope the PM Mini Gen. 3 will be selectable.

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My PM Mini Gen3 is offline in the App since the update today.

I can reach it via IP adress and it shows the energy correctly,

But in the App its offline but shows the energy sometimes YES sometimes NOT?!?

There is a new Icon right side next to the word „offline“ which appears and disappears sometimes.


I hope this belongs to the App and is no hardware problem.


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