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PV Setup - configuration and understanding

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28 minutes ago, wehuda said:

Doch jetzt scheitert die PV Konfiguration. Das System findet mein PM Mini nicht.

Der Bug ist durch v.0.0.4 entstanden: dadurch sind faktisch alle PM Devices "rausgeflogen", schon ärgerlich, aber halt eine Alpha. Die Devs arbeiten dran:


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Bin auch erstaunt über den mangelhaften Beginn der PV (Alpha) Funktion. Dann lieber nichts veröffentlichen. 


Das ist das Auswahlmenü bei mir für den Sensor der Solaranlage. ???

Mein Pro 3EM wird gefunden, der 3pm mini aber nicht, obwohl er negative Werte liefert und als Gerätetyp "Erzeugte Energie" hat. Witzig wäre wenn der Solar 3pm mini positive Werte liefern soll, damit "Erzeugte Energie" negativ wird ??

Da ist doch mit den Vorzeichen etwas durcheinander ??

Richtig sind auch die Anmerkungen, das der Pro3 EM bislang seine 3 Phasen nicht korrekt mit Solar Produktionsüberschüssen auf einer einzelnen Phase saldiert. Bin gespannt, ob man das Problem jetzt auch löst.

Das Firmeware update wird seit Jahren erwartet.


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1 minute ago, tommilos said:

Bin auch erstaunt über den mangelhaften Beginn der PV (Alpha) Funktion. Dann lieber nichts veröffentlichen

Klar, das ist ärgerlich mit dem aktuellen Bug.

Andererseits: Wenn niemand was testen kann, findet man leider auch keine Fehler.

Wir waren vermutlich alle recht verwöhnt, weil die ersten 3 Alphas recht stabil funktioniert haben.

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On 20.8.2024 at 18:23, BeckSt said:

I have the same Problem, it work’s no longer after the Update. In the Setup i find the Grid, but not the produced Energie. 


On 21.8.2024 at 12:41, Brucenico said:

Same problem. Was working fine up to the new alpha version 😞


On 21.8.2024 at 15:11, franmaln said:

I have the same Problem, under Option search no Shelly Found only Shelly EM.

I would like to set generated energy from Shelly plug S set as Source /generated energy.


The calculation is as follows:


(Grid source + Generated energy) - Exported energy = Total house consumption



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For anyone that’s having questions about being able to select PM devices in your setups:

We had to re-work completely the setup process and the way it looks (you saw the new graphics). In the process we had some issues with including the PM devices to the new setup. We’re working with priority to deliver an update with resolution as soon as possible. 



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Ich habe zu Testzwecken mal meinen Zählerschrank mit dem EM3Pro und einem EM, der meine Warmwasseranlage misst, im Balcony als Grid und Generated Energy Devices hinterlegt. So erscheint auch die neue animierte Grafik.

Ich weiß, macht natürlich Null Sinn 🙃

Aber wie löst man denn eine BalconyPV Verknüpfung mit den EM Geräten wieder auf? Irgendwie scheint das nicht vorgesehen zu sein. Den Mini bekommen wir ja alle aktuell nicht zur Auswahl.

Edited by Nosugar
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thanks for the updates.

i have a Parallel wiring configuration like the image attached.
Differently from the original scheme my inverter is not acting as a pass-through device between grid, production, consumption therefore none of the setup provided are solving. Another configuration formula or a different source (Consumption) could solve this, otherwise it will be incompatible to many installations for producers.
As in my scheme:
FC (Fiscal Counter)
EM (Shelly EM)

Available for tests and following the debug of this feature.



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18 minutes ago, Filippo said:

Differently from the original scheme my inverter is not acting as a pass-through device between grid, production, consumption therefore none of the setup provided are solving.

I think the naming in the original explanation is a bit wrong.

Your setup is exactly the parallel setup. At least that's how it works for me: Grid and inverter both supply the house (and the inverter can also export) and it works so far with the PV dashboard

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5 hours ago, Filippo said:


In this setup, I would put a clamp on the left "grid" leg (like you have now) and one on the right "inverter" leg since you have 2 sources of energy: grid and inverter (solar+battery). Your grid power does not pass through the inverter.

This matches Dimitar's description of parallel wiring. Although the accompanying diagram may be a bit confusing.


Parallel wiring means your Inverter and Grid are wired in parallel with the house. In this case, your Inverter adds energy from PV, and whole house consumption does not pass through it.


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Hola. Estoy encantado con las mejoras, sólo me gustaría poder poner esta pestaña en primer lugar, que sea lo primero en verse al iniciar la aplicación.

Gracias por el gran trabajo.

Edited by Hermosomo63
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my setup is an balcony pv system. For the balcony pc system I switched from an shelly 1 pm to a new Shelly 1PM Mini Gen3 (it can measure negative and positiv direction). For the grid source I use an shelly pro 3em.

in the new pv set-up I can only choose the pro 3em as the grid device, but the 1pm mini gen3 can not be choosen as the generated energy device, the list is empty. 
(I have configured it as an energy source)


so could you please add support for the newer pm minis …



Edited by PixelChris
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I want to give feedback on the screen i see these days. I see battery and inverter - marked as red in the graph. I have no battery or inverter. The micro inverter uses 5-6w when there is no electricity production. I think this value is being added as battery inverter value. 




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Great idea. Just saw it now and set up.

But it needs to be an easy to access widget and not something buried in a mess of tabs and menus and scrolling.

Give it a separate top-level tab that can be placed wherever the user wants.. in my case, ideally the first tab shown when I launch the app.

That's all I use the Shelly ecosystem for.. monitoring power via a pro-em 50 and two CT clamps.. one for the grid, the other from my string inverter. I would prefer the graph to be shown as a tap on the live widget. 

Then as a general critique on the app design... layout of the app is really bad. Stop filling the screens with + symbols and settings options.

Hide them in separate app settings  or popup on long presses. We spend most of our time viewing an app, not configuring it.



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I have a house with solar panels in parrallel.

Whenever I export energy, some screens just can't give correct values :


These are the realtime values :



So :

Generated energy = 1.07KW

Grid source = -0.624KW

Therefore the house is using 1.07 - 0.624 = 0.446KW


But for some reason, the realtime screen says "Unknown" is using 1.7Kw.

And the simplified view from the PV Set-up screen says I am generating and exporting 600W so the house is using 1.76KW.


It is interesting to note that all the history graphs, whether on the history view or on the PV Setup view, are entirely correct. 

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My setup is like this :

Single phase house (was 3 phases before) 


Phase1 = grid (+when consuming) 

Phase2 = battery inverter (+ when consuming) 

Phase3 = PV1 inverter (- when generating) 


CT1 = PV2 inverter (- when generating) 


Pro Em 50 behaves nicely as 2 devices (easy to handle) 

EM3 does not show 'Device Profile' to let me set it as 'monophase'. 

I cannot set Phase1 as grid and Phase3 as generated. 

How could I make the EM3 to behave like the EM50? 

I was wonderering how to solve this. If I change my EM3 for any other device, how to not loose the 2 years history in ShellyCloud and Home assistant? 😓

Thank you 

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Hi Shelly Team,

Do you have already a release date for the next version of the PV Set-Up / App, replacing the current alpha

I'm also curious if it will then be possible again to add a Plug-S counting the generated energy from the balcony (with positive values) as source for the calculations?

I still can select only the grid in the first step of PV settings....


Happy about any feedback,


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I understand the devs are working on the PM devices integration.
But in the meantime can't we rollback to the .3 version to keep everyone happy ?

Like you would do when you release a new version and something is not working as expected. I'm trying to be patient, but I'm getting frustrated as well...


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I tried to do the setup for the 'BackUP' because given the description that suits my setup best. The 'grid source' device is detected alright. However, none of my 'generated energy' devices is detected.

I have a Shelly 1PM and a Shelly Plus Plug S set up as 'Appliance Type' = Generated Energy

Am I missing a trick?


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