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Dali with Shelly RGBW2

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In my Home i habe two LED stripes with a dimmer from DALI. So there is a DALI Bus System and for each LED Stripe a Converter 230v to 10v.

So the wires are like that. from the dimmer are the 2 bus wire to the led converter. Also two wire for the power (230v) are on the led converter. On the other side of the converter are two wires in connection with the LED stripe. Is it possiple to integrate a Shelly rgbw2. I want the LED Stripe in my Home assistant. my Idea ist the Shelly rgwb 2 behind the LED converter and between the convberter and the led stripes. Do I need to conncet the dimmer with the shelly? thx

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6 hours ago, thgoebel said:

No, sorry. DALI is a digital bus system, Shelly RGBW2 delivers a PWM signal to four outputs. Thus, the Shelly has the role of a LED driver, controlled via WLAN.

Oke but i dont have a big bus system. It is always just the dimmer with the converter. The led strip isnt on the dali bus. 
So i could connect the dimmer with the shelly without the led converter? Could i still dimm the led with the dimmer?

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