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Roller questions (Newbie, sorry... ;-)

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Please excuse my probably basic questions, but I'm completely new to home automation and Shelly 😉
For two roller shutters I have just installed 2 Shelly Plus2PM, each triggered by a Shelly Wallswitch 2.
The roller shutters work as desired via the Shelly app. However, you have to press and hold the button on the wall switch for the roller shutter to move. There is certainly a way to configure the wall switch so that one press of the button is enough to close or open the shutter completely... but where do I do this?

*****  Edit: I finally found out! It's the "input type" that needs to be switched to "button" instead of "switch" 🙂

Edited by TomCG
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Nice at least you managed to figure it out just for others who might have the same issue it can be found in the device settings see the attached picture. This would go for many applications not just for the Roller shutters. 


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