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1.4.0 beta version for Gen2+ Shelly devices released / 1.4.0 Betaversion für Gen2+ Shelly-Geräte veröffentlicht ×

Dimitar Buckoff

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  1. As already noted, the volume is a nuisance that needs to be remedied, and it will. The touch of the slider is consistent with all other sliders on the homepage - simply touching will not move the slider - you need to slide to slide it 🙂
  2. WD checks and updates the STREAM_MUSIC volume, as this is the one used for playing media. Every now and then Android decides to lower it (no idea why), so I have to increase it back to maximum in order to make use of the MediaPlayer volume which is more adjustable. The Sonos speakers apparently receive this STREAM_MUSIC volume, process it for themselves and set their internal volume accordingly. I am working on the method of setting the volume, the next beta will have some results that I hope will make Sonos (and apparently some LG) speakers less boom-y on song change.
  3. For all those with Wall Display version 1.1.1: TL;DR: Update from the app works now, you need to first update to 1.2.1-stable, then to 2.0.0-beta2. First, I have no idea how you managed to get that version. The first commercial production batch was with 1.1.2 Second, to update from 1.1.1 to beta, you need to pass through a intermediate update (1.2.1) to fix the update process itself. Please do so from the app - I updated the file that should be downloaded so update from the app will work now. After you update to 1.2.1, you will be able to update to 2.0.0-beta2.
  4. Yes, I know about this. It happens only with Sonos speakers when connected via Bluetooth. Please bear in mind that the Sonos support is not yet ready.
  5. Do you by any chance have another speaker to test with? Maybe this one reports strange characteristics..
  6. Then it might not be properly processed by the Bluetooth logic in the Wall Display as an audio speaker. Please try fully rebooting the Wall Display and scanning again.
  7. The Bluetooth device must not be connected to any other phone or player, and it must be in pairing mode - usually by holding the B button on it.
  8. I dug a little. To be able to play AAC+ MIGHT require licensing, although the Wiki article claims that it's not required for simply streaming. On the other side, the decoder needs to be bundled as a jni library (native Android code) which will result in a larger file, using additional resources for the library, etc... Anyway, we will discuss it.
  9. I'm glad you found a radio that suits your taste - I also did 😄 Next version will not show AAC+ stations. Yes, the weather tile is cropped but you could scroll to see it all, I guess?
  10. You were right, MP3 and AAC both work, AAC+ doesn't... Unfortunately all I can do for now is filter AAC+ radio stations out of the list.
  11. Good to know that it works! The background changes according to the forecast 😉
  12. The public beta has just been updated to 2.0.0-beta2. Fixes: missing weather data and Shelly.GetComponents now supports parameters as per the api-docs.
  13. This is strange. Turning off the Bluetooth speaker should've disconnected it from the Wall Display an on this event it should've stopped. Would you give me the exact model of your Bluetooth speaker?
  14. The mp3 problem should've been fixed in the public beta. Did you check?
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