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TheRegister Unique

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  1. /rpc/GetStatus works /rpc/Cloud.GetStatus returns empty response
  2. False alarm, the full reboot of the device solved the problem.
  3. The update to 2.2.0 production went smoothly. The only potential regression I noticed so far: for some reason after the update the list of countries (in Music->By country) is empty (0 countries). The existing favorite stations continue to work just fine, and search for stations by name works fine (and returns results from multiple countries)
  4. You are absolutely right - it is 16V caps that usually exhibit drastic degradation of capacity while changes in 400V ones are much more subtle. However, I've seen more than once that 400V caps replacement was required to regain full stability (in particular in i3 devices).
  5. I was able to source 4.7/400 caps from China (AliExpress) of the required size, the same "brand" as used originally by Shelly. They are dirt cheap. I however wouldn't recommend using them unless you are OK to replace the caps every other year or so :-). For low-voltage caps (16V) it is possible to find polymer type which is much more reliable.
  6. PC817 optocoupler used in these Aliexpress modules is up to 35V so should work fine at 24V. Not sure about internal pull-up resistor and its value but you can easily check that using a simple DMM.
  7. Hi I am trying to update a few Gen3 devices from 1.3.2. The first step is of course to update to 1.3.3. However This update fails (stuck in "initiaizing update", 0% progress and apparently times out). In WebUI it does not even start. Needless to say that internet connection is OK, I can operate the devices from app/WebUI, etc. The devices that have already been on 1.4.0 beta update to 1.4.0 production without any problem
  8. I also experience a problem with group operations on WD FW 2.0. The same group works (on/off) from the app.
  9. Thank you for your message. When using the built-in speaker, a radio station plays for hours without any issues while the playback of the same station using external BT speaker always stops within a couple of mins. I've run this test many times, always the same result. Of course I do not run the tests simultaneously but still ... I will try to dig a different BT speaker and report back results.
  10. @Dimitar Buckoff I have been testing 2.0 production for a few days and I am happy to confirm that the crash has been fixed. The playback using the internal speaker continues to be rock solid, no issues whatsoever. The volume control works well even for my big hands. Using external speaker still suffers from old problem - the playback stops by itself after a minute or two. 100% reproducible. Not a big deal though. The only feature I really miss is the support for AAC+ stations.
  11. Sure, I just report my observations. May be there is more than 1 issue. Without the BT speaker connected the playback has been running for more than 60 mins without any issues. TBC.
  12. @Dimitar Buckoff Follow up for my previous report: it looks like that the intermittent playback failures I reported earlier happen only when an external speaker is used. Playback using the built-in speaker does not stop/fail. I will let it run and send an update if I see any additional issues
  13. The playback using BT external speaker works now much much better! The installation went smoothly, no issues whatsoever. A few bugs/glitches/observations - The playback via internal speaker has now lower volume - need to crank up the volume slider much higher compared to beta2 to get the same volume - When I started the playback for the first time immediately after the installation it started with high volume but after I adjusted the volume using the slider it became normal. One time glitch. - The playback stops intermittently after a few minutes. Switching to a different station or hitting the play button again resumes the playback for a few minutes and then it stops again. After a few times WD crashed. Log attached. WDLogs_000822C10A3C_240712_1208.zip
  14. This is to confirm that the weather tile works great in public beta2. Issues using external SoundCore Flare (gen 1) speaker with WD 1) Volume adjustments using sidebar on the music tile is problematic. - Visually very low sidebar levels set very high playback volume. Very hard to set a low playback volume - the sidebar short touches actually stop/start he playback instead of volume adjustments 2) It looks like WD does not "remember" the playback volume across start/stop of playback. To reproduce, start the playback, set a very low volume using the buttons on the speaker (cannot do it using WD, see (1) above. Stop the playback using WD and then start it again. The playback resumes, but the volume is different (much higher) Please note that there is no issues when using internal WD speaker - volume level persists across playback start/stop, and visual volume level corresponds to actual playback volume. Also I was NOT able to reproduce the issue reported by others that playback continues when external speaker is turned off while playing a radio station. I second the request for AAC+ support - nice music radio stations use that format. @Dimitar Buckoff
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