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  1. Hi, I have two Shelly 1PM running two (separate) Hot Water Heaters, each wired to a Schneider Contactor switch (all wiring done by a registered electrician). They work well, when not disconnected form Wifi and the Cloud, which is my issue. When they disconnect (which is often and at no fixed time) I cannot access them via the Cloud nor directly via a static IP Address; nor ping them i.e. they are "offline". Oddly, they appear to BOTH go offline at exactly (or around?) the same time, although they are on two separate and independent Hot Water Heater circuits. They come back online by themselves after some time, (normally a few hours, max one day or overnight) and not always but sometimes also if I reboot the router (remotely). RSSI values are -44dBm and -61dBm, not stellar but good enough. Power on default mode is restore last mode. I appreciate this topic is oft-quoted on other forums, with amongst other solutions, these ones, all of which I have tried: Update to the latest FW (even tried the beta) Put the devices on a Static IP Address Switch off ECO Mode On ASUS Routers, follow ASUS Iot Devices Recommendations; used 2.4GHz separate Wifi, which was actually worse Change the DNS in the Wifi setup from (Google) to my ISP Provider's DNS; does not work. Binding the devices IP to a fixed (closest, strongest) Wifi Signal Assigning a second WiFi SSID and roaming at 70dBm I have not tried to: Reset the devices (they are 9000km away atm, but will try when I get there); nor have I tried to Install Tasmota or ESPHome or any other firmware as I do not prefer to do this ATM (and Home Assistant, if I ever install it, works fine with the native FW); nor have I tried to Install an RC Snubber, as it is not wired to an inductive system such as a Fan, Washing Machine etc. so I do not believe this would help but I am happy to hear otherwise; nor have I tried to Replace any capacitors (16V and 100uF), as this was a 'faulty capacitor issue' associated mainly (only?) with the Shelly 2.5 PM I believe; nor have I tried to Change the port in CoIoT to 5683, as I do not (yet) run HomeAssistant and it only applies to that platform (I would be willing to try it if it fixed it!). Change the Wifi to a Fixed Channel I tried enabling the debug and attach the two logs for each device (total 4); I do not see any obvious reasons for disconnects. Oddly the debug moide switched itself off after they came back online (yet again), is this normal? I am leaning towards a more modern Shelly Plus 1PM or Shelly 1PM Gen3 for CPU and RAM, but will it help? Does anyone see anything in the logs? Any thoughts or suggestions please? I am at my wit's end. TIA k. 241_Prev.txt 241_Curr.txt 242_Prev.txt 242_Curr.txt
  2. Hi, I am setting up a low voltage (12V) [and yes I am aware of the fire risks] Diesel Fuel Level indicator using a Shelly i4 DC. There are 4 sensors on a "wand" which trigger one of the 4 x Shelly i4 indicators, for 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% full, which sends an email alert. It is working (at least in my living room 🙂). However as these are all the same device I would like to group the 4 indicators together. However it appears you can only group devices that are either a Light, Roller, Relay or Thermostat device; none of which this falls under, as far as I can tell? Trying to add them via the Shelly App does not work, it simply does not recognise it, either as a relay, or light; I tried. Does this mean that it is simply not an option or am I missing something fundamental? TIA k.
  3. Thank you! As above what threw me a bit was the "active" nature of the terminology "Turn Off" i.e. a command to "DO SOMETHING" vs what I think it should say is "Turned Off", which is simply indicative of the State of the Device.
  4. Thank you @Olsche, that was very quick, much appreciated. I have set it up but am a bit nervous to test it as I am unsure about which state means what as (i) One opens the Door (not desirable right now) and (ii) One just indicates the Door Status (Open/Closed). I am 9000km away from the Shelly running this so I was (am) a bit reluctant to test it in case it goes haywire and actually opens the Garage Door and it stays open until I get back there 🙂 So if I understand you correctly, what you are saying is that the "Input State" will be reflective of (a) the status of the little Green or Little Red line (associated with the Reed Switch) AND NOT (b) whether it has a Grey Ring (OFF) or Blue Ring (ON)? And thus I can use that to trigger the email in the Scene? This is where I was a little confused but looking at the "Input State Identifier" (Red or Green line, it makes sense, although what threw me is the "active" nature of the terminology "Turn Off" i.e. a command to "DO SOMETHING" vs what I think it should say is "Turned Off", which is simply indicative of the State of the Device. For completeness, is the "Output State" Identifier thus associated with the Grey/Blue ring in this case? TIA k.
  5. Hi, New user here and I did a search in "Detached Inputs" (terminology used by Shelly) but could not find anything. Apologies if I missed it :-). I have a Garage Door opener running (and working) using a Shelly Plus 1, which performs two functions (a) The relay opens the door on a 1 second timer, which simulates a momentary switch and (b) A reed switch mounted at the door when closed, provides the door status (green line under the button = "Closed", using the "Input State Display" toggle. I followed these instructions here and here and I like the way it works. Note that I do not use the momentary switch option as I have the reed switch as a "Detached Input"; i.e. the Switch is separate from the Relays (see pic). Now I would like it to send me an email when the Garage Door is opened. Note that there is a separate 433MHz button (and a remote) which opens the door, it is not only via the Shelly 1 button press. As such the only (pseudo physical) way I can tell the door is open (via whatever mechanism is used to open it) is via the Reed Switch indicator i.e. the "Detached Input" status changes from a Green Line under the switch to a Red Line (see pics for green line). My issue is this: Whilst there appears to be two ways for it to send to send me an email, neither one works. Apprroach 2 might be close? Approach 1: Use a SCENE from the Shelly Web App Menu This did not work as "Detached Input" is not a selectable status in Scenes; only the ON or OFF toggle (that opens the door) and as above, if the door is NOT opened via the Shelly but via a 433MHz Remote then I can not use the ON/OFF toggle. Fail; did not even get past first base. Approach 2: Use an ACTION from the menu for the Plus 1 Specific IP Address This did not work as whilst "Detached Input" is a selectable component (ON=GREEN=Door Closed) and I can select it to "do" an action when it is OFF (OFF=RED=DOOR OPEN), the two actions are "Add URL" and "Add local action". Local actions are simply to OPEN or CLOSE the Door. This is NOT what I wan't rather I want it to send me an email that the door is open. If there was some way to automatically send en email via URL that might work. I am not sure how, as AFAIK the Shelly does not have a built-in email client? Hopefully this is reasoanably clear and there is a simple solution that will not only help me but maybe others too. Thanks! k.
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