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  1. can please someone check if "192.168.x.x/rpc/Cloud.GetStatus" works with 2.2.1? i get a empty responce. (i have auth activated and i need to login at the first call with "admin" and my passwort) @Dimitar Buckoff @Olsche Can you reproduce this? Are the RPC commands checked with every release? perhaps with an automated script?
  2. hi JmT, ähnlich wie du bin ich auch in das Thema eingestiegen. Bei mir war es die Terrassen Beleuchtung und die Speis - da habe ich den Lichtschalter gegen eine Kombi aus 1PM und Lichttaster ersetzt. Das licht der Speis geht nach 5 min wieder aus und die Terrassenbeleuchtung geht bei Sonnenuntergang an und früh wieder aus. Warum die PM und nicht die normalen? Damit hat man dann auch gleich den Stromverbrauch im Blick:-) Im Keller / Garage hab ich in verschiedenen Räumen jeweils ein 4PM verbaut. Jeweils ein Kanal fürs Licht und dann verschiedene Steckdosen / Verbraucher. Ein Hörmanntor kann man mit einem Uni Plus ganz gut in die Automatisierung einbinden (24V kann man an den Klemmen abgreifen) dazu kann man auch noch Luftfeuchtigkeit und Temperatur über einen dht22 messen (ist interessant fürs Lüften im Winter) Mit den beiden Relais gehst dann einfach auf die externen Schaltkontakte für Lüften und Tor auf/zu) Solltest du eine PV bzw. einen Wechselrichter im Keller haben, kannst du über einen 2PM und Plus addon, sowie bis zu 5 DS18B20 Sensoren die Temperatur überwachen und bei Bedarf einen Lüfter anschalten. Damit die IGBTs nicht so schnell sterben. Auch deine Heizungsanlage kannst du so ganz gut überwachen (Vorlauf/Rücklauf, Wasserspeichertemperaturen etc) Hab mir so viele Werte in meine Hausautomatisierung mit IOBroker reingezogen. Dazu dann ein Visualisierung für die Hausherrin, damit sie auch was vom Hobby hat:-D Einem wichtigen Hinweis von Alex kann ich nur zustimmen - schau das deine Anlage immer auch ohne Internet bzw. als Failback dezentral funktioniert. Z.B. Lüftersteuerung für die PV hab ich lokal auf dem Shelly implementiert. grüße schreckus
  3. my Display need a reboot to offer me the new version. I click 4 or 5 times on "check again" but nothing was shown. after a reboot now the WD offer me 2.2.1 also via MQTT i dont get some values with 2.2.0. (IOB and actual shelly Plugin) is this known, or work fine for all other - but not for me 😞
  4. @Dimitar any progress about adding 10mbit to a shelly device? (20+) Shelly support group (English Version) | Facebook Have you been thinking about 100mbit automotive ethernet? BroadR-Reach - Wikipedia 100BASE-T1 Ethernet: the evolution of automotive networking Depend on your layout - may you need only to replace the eth phy and the connector and you dont need to adapt the FW. in this case you have more space for additional ports at the ETH switch. for eth connection, you can use a CAN Cable or something like this: FibreCode - FC900302 Automotive UTP Ethernet Cable
  5. schreckus


    now i get the differend, i checked the facebook profile and detect the surname 😄 He had started the WD thread and only you have posted recently. That's why I assume that both profiles belong to the same person. Is there an overview of who is responsible for which devices?
  6. schreckus


    ok thanks, wasn't sure if there are 2 accounts from the same dimitar:-)
  7. schreckus


    @Dimitar Buckoff do you have any information on this old relic? i also checked my HT yesterday and was offered this beta version.
  8. looks like it will work:-) but actual i dont test this
  9. i get a 404 error with the Shelly uni plus - i dont get the point what is missing. what is the sense of the /count-rep-thr sub page? its apear on all of my uni plus, if i click on the Count of Pulse at the main page:
  10. thank you for this clear words, it's ok for me if someone wants to use the cloud. for me, i've decided to keep these functions local. can you please update your first post and the Description of the WD? To save buyers from disappointment, It was not clear from beginning, because with this information, I would not have bought the display. so I'll have to see what I can do with the HW. or there's still the ADB but I don't really have the time or enthusiasm for that. you mean my iobroker system? or what you mean?
  11. at the moment no word or sentence is written at the first Post of this thread, that a cloud connection is necessary for describe function. also no words about this topic at the printed user Guide of the Walldisplay. no limitation about the functions if the shellycloud is not uses. dont missanderstand my, i know that a webradio or other funkctions needs a networkconnection. I use iobroker with the shelly plugin for my homeautomation - exist or is a api planed from shelly side, that we can add buttons / views etc at the WD to control local devices without using the shelly clound? (if not please add this information to your documentaion)
  12. i follow the instructions of the first post - but everytime if i swipe down from top, the relay switch, i cant reach the config menü to add anything. - i try every possible properties including reset of the device. i hope this bug will befixed with the next release! actual i cant test the new Features of the wall display. also the screensaver dont start my wall display is actual only a very expensiv clock, because also the temperature and humidity dont show the real value. I am not able to use a signal from a different sensor from my network. and I'm not willing to buy an extra BLE sensor. at least a package should be offered. but the sensor should actually be included in this price range... in general i think the idea with the WD is great and i appreciate the work Shelly is doing, but with the current limitations the display is not really usable for many, if i follow the thread here.
  13. @Dimitar Buckoff @Dimitar any progress with the new firmware? 🙂 more than 14 Days ago that you give us a update.
  14. I miss the Display Mode option for shelly pro 4 PM: 1.4.0. Beta 1 Firmware 1.3.3 firmware If i add "/#/settings/display-mode" to the URL - i can allready reach the Display page of 1.4.0 Firmware
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