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Shelly Plug S and range extender

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Hello there, I am a newbie looking for the right Shelly forum. 

In fact I have  a question regarding Shelly Pug S

I am using a Shelly Plug S right underneath the roof in combination with solar panels. 

Unfortunaltely the SSID is quite poor up there, but I understand that I could use a range extention using another Shelly Plug S with a strong signal. 

So far, so good, but I noticed that I have different menu surfaces with different Shelly Plug S's and some of them just don't display a range extention 

Thanks for guiding me 

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Thank you very much Olsche. 

I doublechecked all Shelly Plugs for firmware and found all with the newest onboard. 

Going more into detail I found the answer though: 

There is one Plug S whereas the others are Plus Plug S which explains the difference of their surfaces and the lack of the range extender.

Take care 

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