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NOTICE / HINWEIS: iOS 18 Update and Today Widgets ×

Range Extender Mode instable


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CC: @igi


I just played around with Range Extender Mode having

- a Pro 1 (fw 1.0) as hub device and

- Plus Dimmer 10v (fw 0.99) and Plus Uni (fw 0.99) as secondary devices (WiFi 1 is the connection to the hub device, no secondary wifi)

- all devices sitting next to each other

range extender is enabled on the hub device, both device are connected to the hub device and show the IP address+port. UI on both devices could be opened using the provided links. So far so good, but more than once the devices are not reachable under this URL and I have to reboot the secondary devices.

- What's the current stability status on this BETA release? Is anybody using this feature for a longer time in a stable setup? Anything else to check/optimize?

I now upgrade the aöö devices device to 1.1, let's see.

In general I don't like the fact that the AP SSID can't be changed. This exposes already the information that a Shelly product is behind this SSID, which is a valuable information if you want to hack that device (e.g. knowing technical specs and existing exploits).


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