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Hello, i have nice robus 400 motor for my entrence gate and control my gate using shelly 1 (in setting i have auto off after 0,5sec). I would like to switch on light close to my gate for 5-15 min after i move with my gate. Is here any posibilty to install second shelly modul which will switch on light when the first shelly activate signal for 0,5sec ? Which shelly device i should use ? Thank you

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Welcome, your project can easily be done using a scene or actions (preferred). As soon as the output of your Shelly 1 for the gate is active, another Shelly (Plus1 as an example) can be addressed via scenes or actions, which is connected to the lighting for the gate entrance and can it switched on for 15 minutes with an auto-off timer

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Hello Olsche, many thank for your fast response. So its not necesary have some wiring in between first and second shelly ? Action or scene can be programmed in shelly app ?

Currently i have in gate motor shelly plus 1, shall i buy one more and use for this purpose ? Thank you, MAros

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Exactly, there is no direct cabling between the two Shellys necessary, only a stable WLAN and/or Internet connection is required. The scenes and also the actions can be easily programmed/created via the app.

You can also use a Shelly Plus 1 for this or if powermetering is desired: Plus 1PM

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