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Shelly Plus Plug S - RPC over UDP


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Hi Everyone,

I really love these Shelly products ! Thanks ! I am working part time for a company to sell them in Finland.

I am now learning all the aspects of this plug.

I can't for life of me get the RPC over UDP working. When I try to define the port for what Shelly monitors I get this error



I would be very gratefull for any help


Best Regards

Kari Rosten

Datamonitor Oy , Finland



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I have the same problem. Did you find any solution?

Hint: It would be better to put the error message into your post as text, not only as image. Would be easier to find for search engines!

Like: Save failed! Error: Invalid argument 'listen_port': Bad type of listen_port!



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  • Shelly
15 hours ago, Heinrich said:


I have the same problem. Did you find any solution?

Hint: It would be better to put the error message into your post as text, not only as image. Would be easier to find for search engines!

Like: Save failed! Error: Invalid argument 'listen_port': Bad type of listen_port!



Do you have the latest version?

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On 2/5/2024 at 8:11 AM, Aleksandar Krastev said:

Do you have the latest version?

Not sure. This is my first Shelly product. I have not yet looked into updating firmware. However, I found out how to control the device via HTTP GET, so UDP is no longer needed. 

Thanks for your help,


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