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General information for Shelly Plus Wall Dimmer US

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Shelly Plus 1 


Shelly Plus Wall Dimmer (The Device) can switch on/off and vary the brightness of compatible dimmable lights. It can be easily wired in the place of a standard US light switch. Enhanced with all the gen2 firmware flexibility, it provides professional integrators with additional options for end-customer solutions. It can work stand-alone in a local Wi-Fi network, or it can also be operated through cloud home automation services.

Shelly Plus Wall Dimmer can be accessed, set up, and monitored remotely from anywhere the User has internet connectivity, as long as the device is connected to a Wi-Fi router and the Internet.

The Device has an embedded Web Interface that can be used to monitor and control the device, as well as adjust its settings.

  • manual and remote dimming, night mode, and intelligent timers for smart dimming
  • can function as a standalone device, as an accessory to a home automation controller, or it may be used as another automation system's component

Main Application 

  • Residential
  • MDU (Multi-Dwelling Units - apartments, condominiums, hotels, etc.)
  • Light commercial (small office buildings, small retail/restaurant/gas station, etc.)
  • Government/Municipal
  • University/college

For more information see below 
Home Page     Specifications     Buy Shelly Plus Wall Dimmer
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