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Alarm notification to the mobile phone of my son - How can I do?


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I have just installed a burgler alarm in my house with several Shelly BLU Devices and the alarm works fine and gives me a notification on my own mobile phone.

Now I would like to extend this alarm ( and maybe add an extra alarm button for health emergencies ) and send the alarm notification to the mobile phone of my son.
So far I cannot find a way to add a second mobile phone number, because the mobile phone number is associated to my account.

Especially elder people very often have alarm-buttons, which notify an emergency service but of course these services are rather expensive.
A commercial solution ( Hausnotruf / German Red Cross ) costs € 25 per month.  https://www.drk.de/hilfe-in-deutschland/senioren/altersgerechtes-wohnen/hausnotruf/
A Shelly button combined with an alarm-function with selctable mobile phone number would (almost) do the same job.

Does anyone have a solution?

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Never looked into a multi-user alarm use case. 

With regards to alarm if you want to get an alert you can share the device to another account. But when it comes to disabling the alarm on multiple accounts this is not available as each account would have to have a alarm setup and deactivate it on each account separately. 


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Hello @W.TA,

you could use a script or a simple action to get a push notification on WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram. I use ist with my washing machine. It is quite easy, go to the site "callmebot.com", get your personal APIkey and start...
--> In your case you must get the key for the mobile phone number of your son...
Best regards

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