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Looking to switch an outlet remotely without any smart home applications.


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I'm looking to control outlets by using a remote switch.  I'm not setting up any smart home system.  Just need to have a 24VDC trigger switch communicate with a controller for 120VAC outlet.  Anyone have product recommendations?  I've been reading through the product lines, but there's just so many and the focus seems to be on smart home systems.  Preferably bluetooth or WIFI LAN without internet requirement.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Any advice helping me with decisions is greatly appreciated. 

Additional information that I have put together that may help with any suggestions people may have.  Thinking about it, it will be sort of a smart home system.  Just not with Alexa, Google Home, Smart Things, etc.

I've come to the following ideas for this:

- Set up a non-internet WiFi network using for Shelly products.

- This is an off-grid application so total power consumption of devices should be considered.  Most power efficient devices preferable.

- WiFi switch signal to turn on outlets from a remote 24VDC on off trigger which will be provided by my solar equipment based on battery voltage setpoints within the existing solar equipment. 

- Manual switching option from inside home.  This will be used to bypass the 24VDC switch signal previously mentioned.  Push button or wall switch.  Intent is to have a clean look so as to be wall mounted and aesthetically pleasing.  If this serves the purpose, then it is ok. Shelly Qubino Wave Plug US

- Outlet switched by either inside the outlet box type control, or plug in outlet.  Plug in outlet would be preferable.  Thinking something like this Shelly Qubino Wave Plug US

- IOS and Android control while onsite and connected to the Shelly WiFi

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Well, i would say look at the shelly 1. Its a potentially free device. All triggers can be done over the wifi 

but when you are looking at the Qubino Wave product this runs on a Z-Wave protocol and will require a Z-Wave hub. This will then run all internally via the hub. 

if you go wifi only need need to be able to send commands to the shelly when you are in the same network. This can be done over webhooks or API calls to the Device. 
logging into the Shelly Wifi each time would over time become tedious when you need to do it often but if its one in a while then I guess it should be ok. 

But if you already looking into the Z-wave products have a look at the Shelly wave 1 


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