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Shelly wiring diagram Now LIVE ×

Nach Internet Anbieter ist Shelly offline

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nach dem Wechsel unseres Internetanbieters ist einer unserer Shelly 2PM offline. Alle anderen funktionieren ohne Probleme. Er ist zwar mit der Fritzbox verbunden, aber ich kann trotz IP-Adresse nicht darauf zugreifen. Wir fahren in einer Woche in den Urlaub und würden aus dem Urlaub gerne die Rollläden betätigen.

Hat jemand einen Tipp?

Ich kenne mich ehrlich gesagt gar nicht gut aus.


Nette Grüße


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Hi @Gluexxkind

There could be several issues here. The device might have been assigned a static IP address, preventing it from connecting. The main goal is to attempt to connect to the Shelly 2PM over Wi-Fi. If the device does not have a static IP address try turning off the device from the distribution box and then turning it back on to reconnect the device  to the router.

I have a few questions to ensure we are on the same page:

  • Can you provide the MacID or Device ID of the 2PM that's offline?
  • Can you connect to the device via its IP address?
  • Is the device appearing on the Fritzbox?

You can try to get the device back online by setting up a temporary Shelly SSID from another Shelly device by enabling the Range Extender. This should allow you to connect to the device's IP via the shared network from Shelly.

As a last resort, if the device is still not connecting, you may need to reset it. To do this, turn off the power at the main breaker, go to the Shelly 2PM switch, and turn it off and on five times quickly. You should hear it click five times rapidly. After this, you can include it in the app again via the SSID.

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