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Approach to realize Virtual Button with Value to control MQTT device

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I want to realize the following project:

On the Shelly Wall Display I want to have a Virtual Component, that represents my Boiler Connected To My Heatpump, something like this


A press on the Virtual Component should ENABLE or DISABLE the Drinking Water Heating by the Heatpump. And the temperature should represent the current temperature in the boiler. My heatpump will be Modbus TCP capable in the near future, thus I think about a setup like this


where the MQTT messages will both deliver updates on the drinking water temperature and receive messages on activating/deactivating the drinking water heating.

Considering the current functionality of the Shelly Wall Display realization seems not possible. I think the separate parts to be implemented are

  1. State and Functionality Representation of the Virtual Component
  2. Communication and state update of 1 via MQTT
  3. UI Representation of 1

For (1) I guess that a combination of a Virtual Button with a Virtual Number in a Virtual Group should be capable of representing the local model. For (2) the respective Virtual components should support MQTT related actions and state updates. For (3) I could not find any information on developing such a UI tile.

It would be very nice if somebody could point me the directions either for documentation or the necessary "entries" to realize this functionality! (I'm a seasoned developer so any direct programmatic hint is also very much appreciated)



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Hy Dimitar, thanks for your response. When calling http://shelly/rpc/Virtual.ListSupported the only supported elements returned are

    "types": [

If the documentation in https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/gen2/DynamicComponents/Virtual/Number is correct then somehow this should support a basic variant. Do you plan to support the "Number" type in the near future? I guess that the `meta.ui.icon` value, if supported, should provide a step for this functionality. Yet documentation does not elaborate on a combination of Button and Number to reach the required functionality?!

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  • 2 months later...

Hello, any updates regarding the last reply in this thread?

I would also like to use a virtual component of type "Number" to display the values of an external temperature source, but the situation is still the same as withing the last post: only "Button" is supported as virtual component, "Number", "Boolean", "Text" etc. is still not supported.  I am on the latest firmware (2.2.1).

BR Stefan

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