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Findings doing initial install of DEV boards


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1. Setup a device only works with bt download from x Shelly config side, token does not work that is generated, you can it says ok, reboots but nothing happens, It may be that the device is added to cloud before config is downloaded when i think about it.
2. If you on the module without relays config to 8 inputs the web interface fails to Update on Unit status page. Further every page needs refresh to show (google chrome), in cloud it is possible to activate output and leads to error message. (I did not get update i cloud log when activate input)
3. Configuration of board only relay type can be selected, seems to work for both boards.
Regarding point 1: I think the flow that works is config -> download by BT-> add to cloud
What failed was add to cloud -> config -> set token in web UI -> restart device
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Excerpt of the official circuit diagram of the relay board:


It is not hard to see that the four inputs are directly conjoined with the appropriate IO-Ports of the ESP32. It depends on the configuration whether an input is active high or low. Please be cautious: NO measures against EMV is taken!


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My two 4 Chanel Shelly X dev boards are about 10 days away from being delivered so will find out then how initially they have been configured from the I/O perspective. 
Given these are being intergrated into the Shelly app I assume (hopeful) there will be the ability to determine how the inputs are controlled. Eg momentary, latching or scheduled etc. otherwise there will be some scripting involved…nice part is it being opened up to developers. I am keen to join in on the recently announced scripting online workshop they have planned. 

Kudos to Shelly and in particular to Dimitar’s endless product development of his platform.

I am sure the constructive comment dirgo made here have been taken on board and future firmware upgrade will follow. 

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