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Edge Shelly Wave drivers for Smarthings don't work well with Shelly Qubino wave 2pm

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Hi all,
I have several shelly wave 2pm that do not work well with the official drivers for smarthings.
The first thing is that only one device is created and not two. There should be a way to choose to create two separate devices to then control it with google home or alexa.

The second thing, the on/off works terrible, there is a terrible delay and many times it gives error.  If you press SW1 or SW2 it does not change the state of the shelly smarthings.

I am surprised that in the manual it says that there is full compatibility with smarthings with the edge dirvers when it is not.
I followed the official tutorial and nothing.

With shelly wave 1, the driver worked fine.


The only one that has worked for me is the driver created by a user but it also does not change state when I press SW1 or SW2.

I have also tried updating the firmware to the latest.
 EU - ver. 10.30

Has this happened to anyone else?


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  • 2 months later...

Bonsoir Jean-Paul, je m'intéresse aussi au même module que celui pour lequel tu poses tes questions. Mais je ne pourrai t'aider, car je suis novice en la matière. A l'inverse, pourrais-je te solliciter sur 2 ou 3 points qui me chiffonnent ?
Merci d'avance. Cordialement

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  • Shelly

@Jean Paul

The creation of two devices is handled by SmartThings. We develop the drivers according to their guidelines, specifying only that the device is Multichannel. SmartThings should then generate two separate widgets instead of one. For further assistance on this, please refer to SmartThings support.

Regarding the commands, if there is no delay when using the switches directly, it suggests the delay is caused by SmartThings and not our device. Our testing with other controllers, particularly those that operate locally, shows no delays between when a command is sent and when the device executes it. Therefore, like the first issue you reported, this should also be addressed to SmartThings.

The driver was tested and confirmed to send reports properly. You can set the parameters as needed. For the issues mentioned above, please contact SmartThings support.

What you want to know.

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