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Kristian Todorov

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Kristian Todorov last won the day on September 5

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  1. Hello, everyone. The Virtual components are still work in progress stage in the app. Soon they will be available.
  2. You don't have to poll the device, cant you check the `gen` prop from `Shelly.GetDeviceInfo` and if its >2 you can fetch the components by `Shelly.GetComponents?dynamic_only=true`?
  3. Sorry, here are the docs for Shelly.GetComponents Shelly.GetComponents This method returns a list with device's components, it supports paging, filter for dynamic components (for example virtual components) and allows the user to get only the needed information from the component. Request Parameters: Property Type Description offset number Index of the component from which to start generating the result Optional include array of strings "status" will include the component's status, "config" - the config. The keys are always included. Combination of both (["config", "status"]) to get the full config and status of each component. Optional dynamic_only boolean true to include only dynamic components, default false. Optional Response Property Type Description components array of objects Property Type Description key string Component's key (in format <type>:<cid>, for example boolean:200) status object Component's status, will be omitted if "status" is not specified in the include property. config object Component's config, will be omitted if "config" is not specified in the include property. cfg_rev number Sys's configuration revision offset number Index of the first component in the result total number Total number of components with all filters applied
  4. Hello, the reason for the new endpoint is that when you have 10 virtual components + other dynamic that are coming the json response can become huge and the device will struggle to generate it. The new endpoint replaces both old endpoints (Shelly.GetConfig and Shelly.GetStatus), with `Shelly.GetComponents` you can fetch the status/config for every component from the device.
  5. Here is the IOS version of Shelly BLE Debug app: https://apps.apple.com/app/id6449539118
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