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Shelly Wave help

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  1. The Shelly will "send" the L either on O1 or O2 depending of the direction. So you wire the Up wire of the motor to O1 and the Down wire of the motor to O2.
  2. That is correct, you may use our devices without switches. Have a great weekend 🙂
  3. @Jean Paul The creation of two devices is handled by SmartThings. We develop the drivers according to their guidelines, specifying only that the device is Multichannel. SmartThings should then generate two separate widgets instead of one. For further assistance on this, please refer to SmartThings support. Regarding the commands, if there is no delay when using the switches directly, it suggests the delay is caused by SmartThings and not our device. Our testing with other controllers, particularly those that operate locally, shows no delays between when a command is sent and when the device executes it. Therefore, like the first issue you reported, this should also be addressed to SmartThings. The driver was tested and confirmed to send reports properly. You can set the parameters as needed. For the issues mentioned above, please contact SmartThings support. @Jacbu What you want to know.
  4. This could be another issue. The two on/off signals are typically triggered when the device is successfully included in or excluded from the gateway. It's possible that pressing the switch multiple times may cause these signals to be sent unintentionally, even though the device is already included. We appreciate all of your feedback as this will help us to identify the issue and solve it.
  5. The Shutter parameters 74 and 75 are present but currently not functioning, the parameters will be fully implemented in the future release of the Firmware.
  6. The proposals you requested were opened, it is now to the product owner to decide it hey will be implemented or not. Thank you, Kind regards
  7. Thank you for the message and the proposals. Regarding the slats tilting time, we perform checks to ensure the slats are positioned precisely. During testing, we noticed that if the slats are adjusted without resetting them to 0%, the positioning may become less accurate over time, especially when moving between 1% and 98% tilt. I will still include this note in the proposals for the Shutter I did not find the feature you're describing? Is this a parameter or how it is controlled? It the features will be implemented will be available trough the OTA update.
  8. Thank you very much for the observation, it could help ut to go in the right direction. Could you please let us know what types of loads are connected to the devices causing the Wave 2PM to turn off? For example, are they motors, lamps, computers, etc.? Also, if possible, please provide the power rating for each load.
  9. If anyone can help you here are the developers of the Vera gateway. Our device is done according to the Z-Wave standards and if the Gateway that is used to connect devices could integrate based on the device's data, there will not be need to wait for new firmware updates, drivers etc,.. of the gateway. The Z-Wave gateway, when programmed correctly, is able to flawlessly integrate any device. This is because all the necessary information is already stored in the device's firmware. However, this integration approach is only used by a very few gateways. When we tested these few selected gateways, the Shelly Wave devices worked perfectly once added to them. We did everything we could from our side to make it work. Unfortunately, most gateways, prefer their own custom methods of integration. This means users have to wait for the right update, and sometimes even another one after that, to make a Z-Wave device work correctly. We kindly request that you get in touch with the gateway developers to include the integration of these new devices. They've chosen to follow a different path of the recommended one, and it would be helpful for everyone if they could adapt the integration process accordingly.
  10. We do not have it on the road map, I can add it to the proposals for a new device 🙂
  11. We received few reports of this problem but for now we couldn't reproduce it in our test lab. We're still investigating this issue and for now the solution is to downgrade the Shelly Wave 2PM back to the 10.30 version. You may find the firmware on the GitHub repository, and the instruction for manual update (downgrade proces is the same) for HA you may find on the next link.
  12. The parameters in the print screen is where the shutter saves and then later draws its calibration data in/from. After calibration you can ask the device what its value is and then change it, subtract or add, however much you want, to customize your system. Time should be in centi seconds. In the real world, there is a "drift" when the shutter relies only on timer calibration. This adjustment will deteriorate in either direction with usage, not time but times of use, It will eventually correct when it hits an end switch but by then the value will be incorrect for your application and you will have to fix it again.
  13. Just the firmware updated is planned, up till now no plans for hardware revision everything ok with it.
  14. We have in plan to release an improved Shutter version (hopefully this year). We will definitely look into the delay at that time and like mentioned remove any part of firmware if we found that can cause the delay. Having Home Assistant as your controller will not make miss you this update 😉 And if you see that also that time will have any delay feel free to write to us.
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