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  1. I saw this, but if I use Thermostat.SetConfig to change the target temp it returns error -114 SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE
  2. Where to find the documentation for the WD specific RPC commands, also see
  3. Is there documentation for the extended RPC calls like Thermostat., Music.* etc. /rpc/Shelly.List provides the following methods: ``` ... "Thermostat.Create", "Thermostat.Delete", "Thermostat.GetConfig", "Thermostat.GetStatus", "Thermostat.Schedule.AddProfile", "Thermostat.Schedule.AddRule", "Thermostat.Schedule.ChangeRule", "Thermostat.Schedule.DeleteProfile", "Thermostat.Schedule.DeleteRule", "Thermostat.Schedule.ListProfiles", "Thermostat.Schedule.ListRules", "Thermostat.Schedule.RenameProfile", "Thermostat.Schedule.SetConfig", "Thermostat.SetConfig", ... ``` but if I try to use Thermostat.SetConfig to change the target temp it returns error -114 SERVICE UNVAILABLE. Post Data: {"id":589792286,"src":"openhab-192.168.1,1","method":"Thermostat.SetConfig","params":{"id":0,"target_C":4}} Could you please provide a curl example or point me to the device doc. What's the purpose of Thermostat.Create? Could I create virtual thermostats based on more than one external sensor?
  4. I have 2 Shelly devices acting as bluetooth hub and try to install 8 BLU DW. 6 are working, 2 don't. So I want to check the console log (I have a script for openHAB binding running, which shows discovery and reports BLU events to the OH binding). I activated WebSocket debug under settings, but when I check the global console and also the console while the script is opened it just show "Disconnect...". I tried to reboot the device, turn debugging off+save and on+save, same result. Any idea? Shelly S1G3 34B7DACADBD0| 1.3.3| bda37792| 15:20:33 | Feedback
  5. Hi, I try to integrate BTHome information for Shelly devices in my openHAB binding. Devices are working in general, but I want to get access to extended information like the firmware version. Is there a way to access this information via the associated gateway? I see that it's possible to add BTHome components via the device API. How to retrieve this information via the standard RPC API?
  6. Hi, I have a Plus Smoke and need to re-activate for integration testing, but I can't bring it to the latest firmware. It seems that there is no way to go from 0.13.99 to 1.x. Could I get the firmware image for a manual update? Cheers, Markus
  7. The homepage mentions the use case "Receive precise data readings from your energy/gas/water meter" for the Plus UNI. Is there a detailed description how to implement this use case?
  8. CC: @igi I just played around with Range Extender Mode having - a Pro 1 (fw 1.0) as hub device and - Plus Dimmer 10v (fw 0.99) and Plus Uni (fw 0.99) as secondary devices (WiFi 1 is the connection to the hub device, no secondary wifi) - all devices sitting next to each other range extender is enabled on the hub device, both device are connected to the hub device and show the IP address+port. UI on both devices could be opened using the provided links. So far so good, but more than once the devices are not reachable under this URL and I have to reboot the secondary devices. - What's the current stability status on this BETA release? Is anybody using this feature for a longer time in a stable setup? Anything else to check/optimize? I now upgrade the aöö devices device to 1.1, let's see. In general I don't like the fact that the AP SSID can't be changed. This exposes already the information that a Shelly product is behind this SSID, which is a valuable information if you want to hack that device (e.g. knowing technical specs and existing exploits).
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