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Gábor Tályai

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  • Birthday 11.11.1977

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  1. While you get an answer from some smarter guy, I have a solution for you: Check the https://icons8.com/ for an icon, and if you found some nice, you click it, and the right side you will get a COPY menu. Click it and then click to LINK TO PNG, and this link you can add to the virtual components icon url.
  2. Nice function in the updated cloud application 3.111.10: The music player is appaeard in the web app, thank you for this! Can we use the music player later in scenes too? For example, turn the radio on at 8:00 am? Thanks!
  3. Dear Developers, At our company, we use the wall displays for break notifications and calling colleagues. We work with many small MP3 files, currently using 49 files in total, with a combined size of 1.6 MB. After uploading 35-45 files, the wall display freezes (I receive an app error message on the wall display, in a white square), followed by a crash report indicating that the memory has been exhausted. After this, the device restarts and some time it is a succes, but sometimes it goes into a restart-freeze loop, which can only be resolved by a factory reset. I also tried using WAV files, and the same issue occurs. It seems that the number of files might be causing the problem. We are currently using 7 wall displays for this purpose, all running firmware version 2.2.1, and they all behave the same way. It would also be great if, when deleting the MP3 file with the last ID, the ID itself would be deleted as well. Alternatively, if we could play files by their name instead of by ID, that would solve this issue too. Thank you, and thanks for the excellent work so far!
  4. Maybe the phone app is not updated yet. The web app is working: https://control.shelly.cloud/
  5. It is working now, thanks for the quick fix!
  6. Hi folks! I had to factory reset my Wall Display because "the Shelly Stargate isn't responding," and the device went into a reboot loop, maybe 2-3 times, and then asked if I wanted to do a factory reset, so I did. After resetting, I updated to the latest firmware, version 2.2.1, and tried to use my display, but it asked me to enter the code into the cloud application. I know this process, I have 8 Wall Displays, so I've done it a couple of times. But now, the cloud application shows the Wall Display as online and doesn't ask for the code. So, the Wall Display shows the auth code, but the cloud app doesn't prompt me to enter it. The app shows that I'm connected to the cloud, I can reboot and change settings from the cloud app, so it is really connected. But when I try to add a new device to the Wall Display, my devices don't show up, just the Virtual component/Music/Weather menus. Any ideas?
  7. Dear Community! Could you please give me the wall display RPC url, for a soft reboot. it is the hard reboot, but it takes too long time for me, and my problem is solvable with the soft reboot too. Thanks!
  8. I have created a script for those who want to play a sound on the Wall Display based on a timer. The script checks the status every 5 seconds and starts playback after 30 seconds. Here is the script: https://community.shelly.cloud/topic/1805-voice-notification-from-the-wall-display-playing-any-mp3-if-the-gate-remains-open-for-a-certain-period Dear Dimitar! Thank you! This feature has helped a lot!
  9. The new firmware (2.10 Beta) of the Wall Display allows us to attach an MP3 playback to any event! LOCAL ACTIONS This can be most easily implemented as a local action: for example, when a device is turned on, add to the device's actions that if it is on, it should execute this URL: Where: is the IP address of the Wall Display id=1 is the identifier of the uploaded MP3 file volume=10 is the volume level UPLOAD MP3 Of course, we will need to upload the appropriate MP3 file to the Wall Display. This can be done through the WD local interface. After uploading, the MP3, the ID will appear, allowing us to reference it - it is id 17 in the upper example. Use TEXT-TO-SPEECH to make the voice I use https://app.fliki.ai to create text-to-speech messages because it supports Hungarian, but any text-to-speech program can be used to generate the appropriate message, or we can play music. However, I believe clear human voice messages are more useful. USE SCRIPT TO CONTROL VOICE Of course, there are some things we can't solve with local actions, but for those, we can write a script. The following script does the following: Monitors the state of a reed relay connected to a Shelly Add-on (whether the door is open or not) Checks every 5 seconds if the door is open If the door is open for 30 seconds, it plays a message that the door is open, then repeats this message every 30 seconds until the door is closed We need this at the company (http://www.anrodiszlec.hu) to avoid energy loss if we are heating or cooling and doors are left open. This way, we notify colleagues to close the damn door because we can't heat the whole yard 🙂 Here is the script, don't forget to change the ip address of the Wall Display, and input ID, and anything you want on the volume and timer section. let off_counter = 0; const check_interval = 5000; // 5 seconds const off_duration = 30000; // 30 seconds let input_id = 100; // ID for the input let audio_id = 16; // ID for the audio clip let audio_volume = 8; // Volume for the audio clip // Monitor the state of the door Input(100) every 5 seconds Timer.set(check_interval, true, function () { Shelly.call("input.getstatus", { id: input_id }, function (result, error_code, error_message) { if (error_code !== 0) { print("Error occurred during input.getstatus call: " + error_message); } else { if (result && typeof result.state !== 'undefined') { if (result.state === true) { off_counter += check_interval; print("Input(" + input_id + ") is OFF. Incrementing counter: " + off_counter + " ms"); if (off_counter >= off_duration) { // OFF for 30 seconds // Execute the URL let url = "" + audio_id + "&volume=" + audio_volume; Shelly.call("HTTP.GET", { url: url }, function (http_result, http_error_code, http_error_message) { if (http_error_code !== 0) { print("Error occurred during the URL call: " + http_error_message); } else { print("URL executed successfully."); off_counter = 0; // Reset counter after notification } }); } } else { print("Input(" + input_id + ") is ON."); off_counter = 0; // Reset counter if state is ON } } else { print("The result object is undefined or missing the state property."); } } }); });
  10. Dear Olsche! It's really there! I don't know how I didn't notice it until now... 🙂 Thanks!
  11. Dear Dimitar Buckoff! This is exactly what I wanted! Thank you very much, I can't wait for the final firmware to be released 🙂 By the way, is there any way to sign up for the beta versions?
  12. Dear Heinz! I'm sorry, but my answer was incorrect, so: - The script will run on any script capable device: Plus/Gen2 - Gen3 - Pro devices - Virtual Components works only in Gen3 devices now, and the Pro devices will get it later So you get a nice icon only in Gen3 devices at the moment, but you can work with the data in scipt in any script capable devices. The first icon in the virtual component's tab is the openweather outside temperature:
  13. Thanks! Virtual components in the app: - you can create a Virtual Component group in the local web interface, and add the virtual components. You can sort the components, as you wish. - simply turn on the button on the cloud app/virtual components tab (group/components). -- but you must toggle this every time, so I recommend to make a virtual group
  14. I created separate functions so that if someone doesn't have a battery, they can easily delete the ones they don't need. Efficiency: does it work? 🙂 Then it’s efficient 🙂 You can safely put them into one function; based on the first code and this, it will be easy to do, at least you'll practice programming 🙂
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