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Shelly wiring diagram Now LIVE ×

Stefan Kramp

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  1. As written in the title, i see virtual components only in web-ui. The app don't show them. Is this feature not implemeted yet? What could be the reason else? App 3.57.30, Firmware Mini1G3 : 1.2.0 beta2 Thanks for any information.
  2. cool idea. 👍 Have all a good 2024. Stay healthy.
  3. Battery was empty again in less than 1 month. ☹️ But i think to have found the reason in all my 5 BT-Button. The problem (which I suspect) lies in the contact pressure of the contact spring of the negative terminal of the battery. In my opinion, the factory pretension is not sufficient, which leads to poor contact. I noticed the whole thing when I accidentally restarted a BT button, which can be explained by a loss of contact. At the same time, the BT button was very warm! The - contact in its original state and here after my correction : With this small adjustment, 1 BT button now runs for over 1 month and still has a battery indicator of 100%.
  4. Battery has still 100% . 😀 So, it seems to be fixed as written in the new firmware. 👍
  5. Is installed. I'll see. Thanks for the information. 👍
  6. I see a very short battery lifetime with my test BLU-Button1 of only about 1 month. First battery was delievert with the blu-button1. I use myself batteries from Energizer. What is going wrong? Device is not paired, no beacon-mode. It's only sending it's data when pushed. Gateway is a PlusPlugS. Firmware is actual. Used about 5 to 10 times a day. My question to all: What is your experience? Edit: Last state:Battery shows 70% before it was empty.
  7. working as expected with BLU Button1 and DW. 👍
  8. Not with Gen.2 Shelly. 😉 These can both. I use my productive shelly all local and first thing after taking into the app is "cloud disable".
  9. Stefan Kramp

    vlan support

    This should be your problem. My shellys are working fine in a vlan with 5 AP
  10. Deleted in App ? All? much work for me. 😒 Deleted from cloud, too, @SparkyMaster? Shellys reseted?
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