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Markus L

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  1. yes, since few days the roller blind always stops after 20 cm
  2. I have a second blind with an other Shelly...same wiring. Also this blind worked since 6 months....but now?
  3. Changend to 4W restart No change (roller blind stops after 20 cm)
  4. No, just for testing....what value do you prefer?
  5. It's a tublar drive of the roller blind (actual I don't have a type/model) with the Shelly i control only this one roller blind without any isolation relay Calibration stops also in the closing mode after 20 cm Device ID: d4d4daec53c0
  6. Debug data diagnostics-shelly-plus2pm-debug-log.txt
  7. @Olsche same situation, the roller stops after 20 cm (also in the calibration mode)
  8. Shelly Plus 2PM does not close roller shutter (stops after approx. 20 cm). However, the roller shutter moves down using the button. The calibration has run through with a waiting time of 60 sec. However, if I press close (down arrow) in the Shelly app or website, the roller shutter stops after approx. 20 cm Device already restarted and reset to factory settings Device profile: Cover Firmware: up-to-date WLAN: good Max. power threshold: 180 Waiting time: 60 sec max. power protection: 2800 W max. voltage protection: 280 V max. current protection: 10 A Do you have some ideas?
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