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NOTICE / HINWEIS: iOS 18 Update and Today Widgets ×

Stefan Tabakov

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  1. Thank you for the feedback guys, you’re amazing! For anyone that’s having questions about being able to select PM devices in your setups: We had to re-work completely the setup process and the way it looks (you saw the new graphics). In the process we had some issues with including the PM devices to the new setup. We’re working with priority to deliver an update with resolution as soon as possible. Thank you once again, we’re following the thread and trying to fulfill every request.
  2. Thank you very much for the suggestions, will consider them. As I said - scenes, groups and rollers are planed for migration and will be available in the new widgets. The "Refresh" intent is used internally to pass the button press event to the widget container, couldn't find a way to hide it from the shortcuts intents. Will check the possibility to expose new intent that could be triggered from shortcuts and update the state. Take in mind that refreshing widgets every minute will probably have an impact on the iPhone battery. Issues: 1 - if you re-create the widget after the change there won't be an offline label. The widget is created with a configuration of the current setup. If you change the setup the configuration is not updated; 2 - will check it; 3 - controlling auth locked devices with widgets is not possible yet;
  3. You have set three triggers, you should use conditions to achieve what you need. In your case you should have 3 triggers with 2 conditions each, combined with OR. Trigger: H&T1 temp > 28 AND Conditions: H&T2 temp > 28 AND wall display temp > 28 OR Trigger: H&T2 temp > 28 AND Conditions: H&T1 temp > 28 AND wall display temp > 28 OR Trigger: Display temp > 28 AND Conditions: H&T1 temp > 28 AND H&T2 temp > 28
  4. Thank you for your feedback. I have personally argued for months with some Apple engineers about the deprecation of the Today Widgets and their disappearance on every app update, explained them multiple times how good they are and how many users are using them (including me). The final conclusion from their side was that seeing the widgets at all is the actual bug… That’s why we have started to migrate all previous functionality to the new widgets. Later they introduced buttons (I think with iOS 16) which gives us the ability to implement the relays control. Scenes, groups and rollers are also planed. Why the old widgets work better than the new ones? There’s one major difference between them - the old widgets are refreshed EVERY time you open the today view. This way you are always seeing the actual state of the device. Because the new widgets could be placed wherever you want they aren’t updated every time you see them (probably for battery efficiency). They could be updated only after user interaction - pressing a button or opening the app, or when the iOS decides based on algorithms about the frequency of interactions, last time you have been to this screen etc.. That’s why we have added the refresh button on top of the widgets. Unfortunately the refresh is out of our control. It’s the same with the widgets size. It’s predefined by the iOS. Personally I’m using the widgets on a daily basis and, believe me, we’re doing everything possible to make the new widgets experience closer to the old ones. Thank you for the support, any suggestions are greatly welcomed!
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