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Shelly wiring diagram Now LIVE ×

Todor Tsvetkov

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  1. Thank you! What changes you made on your script?
  2. Hello! We just tested POST call for device status from POSTMAN, and it's working just great. Make sure in your script you are using the right parameters for cURL and POST. For PHP for example use "curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);", if instead is used "customrequest". And send the data for "curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));" Note that, if the POST is working from another software, then the cloud logic on the Shelly side have no issue.
  3. This device is not coming with correct provisioning data. Problem in the manufacturing process. It's a rare occasion, it is already addressed internal. The device requires replacement.
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